And that is why, historically, most wars were fought by women.
And that is why, historically, most wars were fought by women.
Almost everything in your post is incorrect.
Good point about flexibility, etc. If there were combat roles that needed that cool. Most conflict we have though requires people to ruck hundreds of pounds of gear and being able to move heavy shit around. For this reason it is why the average male will generally be more physically apt to the mission that is that of…
Not disagreeing, just adding to your point because it bears repeating: most military rape victims are men. Regardless, yes, of course you’re right.
Women in the U.S. military face more danger from their male peer service members than they do in their jobs.
I think we should have a rule that if you submit an amendment to a bill, you have an automatic Yes vote on the bill if your amendment makes it onto the bill itself.
That would actually be a really excellent solution to the problem of college being way too expensive for our rather sad job market. Young people could get some actual experience and training and then decide job or college.
This bill also got voted on basically without them even acknowledging Gillibrand’s proposal to take sexual assault out of the chain of command.
Exactly this. I think if you are going to have a draft at all then it is unfair and ridiculous to only require it for men. And I also believe that every single job in the military should be only based on the mental and/or physical requirements to do the job, not gender. Can’t carry over 100 lbs on your back for miles…
“It is a radical change that is attempting to be foisted on the American people,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said. “The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense. It is at a minimum a radical proposition. I could not vote for a bill that did so, particularly…
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California intended it as “gotcha amendment,” because he didn’t think liberals would vote to draft women.
Yeah, but you know that new law would have a whole bunch of farm subsidies stuffed into it.
Instead of the draft, I wonder what the politicians and voting public would think about a national service program, similar to the various countries around the world? National service for two years, for everyone regardless of socio-economics, race, creed or sexual orientation. To work locally and beyond on federal…
I’m agnostic on the draft itself, but if we are going to have it then all citizens who are fit to serve should be required to register.
LOL yeah it did. As female vet I was rooting for this though so, double bonus.
You know what would be useful? A new law that says every new piece of legislation be presented as a single, concise issue, every ounce of pork and sneaky verbiage eliminated. You want to vote to draft women? Great, but don’t include something about Guantanamo in there.
The way this all blew up in Duncan Hunter’s face is absolutely delicious.
I have mixed feelings about this, but they are mostly about the existence of the draft itself, not about who registers.