“Third World: the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.”
“Third World: the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.”
Prepare to never leave the grays and/or be banned from Jezebel for this.
But the Major’s chassis in Ghost in the Shell wasn’t even her original body, and it’s stated in the manga, movie, and show that she looked nothing like her organic body. She even swaps it out once for a male chassis in a covert operation. Her being a white Jewish actress really means nothing, because half the point of…
You’re entirely right. All of the complaints against the death penalty (possible innocence, racism in sentencing, etc.) don’t apply with Roof. Opposing the death penalty here because the people here have a blanket opposition to the death penalty is entirely nonsensical. I can only attribute it to them having more…
Justice and revenge aren’t mutually exclusive. Oftentimes the most egregious crimes can only receive true justice when the perpetrator is dead. Or is him being comfy in prison true justice for you?
There’s no rotting in jail, and there never will be. He’ll have three hot meals a day, a bed, his own cell most likely (to ensure his safety from the general population), a sink and toilet, and better medical care than you or I will have. More than likely he’ll also be given access to some sort of entertainment such…
It definitely sounds like you don’t oppose the death penalty in any case since you just listed cases where you’d be fine with an inmate death match.
If it was an innocent person, or I felt there was doubt in guilt, or I felt the crime didn’t match the punishment, then I would not only hesitate, I would refuse to do it. But this guy? I would do it and go home and sleep like a baby. Some people deserve death, and I feel no shame in valuing them for as much as they…
You have no idea what “first world” and “third world” even means, do you?
Justice and vengeance are often intertwined, as this article makes pretty clear. I think justice is killing the man who killed over half a dozen peaceful church goers. What do you think he deserves? A comfy all expenses paid life in prison? That’s not justice in any universe, and you’re fooling yourself if you think…
Yeah, this is what I was thinking too. It’s easy to sit on your soapbox and say “the death penalty should be abolished!” when you aren’t the one who has to watch a the cold blooded killer that took a loved one from you sit safe and comfy with three hots and a cot in prison. That’s the problem with a lot of morality;…
Testing to see if I can comment.
She should have golfed or collected stamps, that would connect with young voters!
Ah Jezebel: where having opinions slightly differing from the accepted positions means you’re a troll.
You are aware that Bernie isn’t running third party, right? Where did this fantasy that voting Bernie in the primaries makes Trump win?
I know this may be a shock, but I can vote for people other than HRC (who hasn’t won the primary yet) and Trump. I plan to as well.
“She’s not corrupt”
I dislike here because:
That viewpoint in itself is sexist, which I find humorous considering where we are. HRC can’t succeed or fail on her own merits in Jezebel’s eyes, and is instead reduced to a protected class by virtue of birth. It’s infantalizing, and belittles her (and all women) as people.
I won’t write a full reply since you said you weren’t interested, but I just wanted to say that this was a terrible, incorrect comment, and I wish I could get my thirty seconds back.