Aeian T'goni

Well some algae. Not the fancy store bought algae.

Whoa, hey, this is the genetically superior master race you're looking at.

I don't see any reason to call all interactive media "games", but I also see no reason why "game" should be any more special a title than any other title. It's all just snobbery. Some people like to play video games, some people like to be *gamers*.

The same thing he's been doing since the 90's: using unfunny jokes to wink nudge his conservative beliefs to his faux-gressive fans.

I expected to find this season boring, but I'm a few episodes in and it's actually pretty compelling again. I'll reserve judgement for when it's finished.

It's amazing that in this, the year of our lord twenty-seventeen, there are still people who are surprised to find out Bill Maher is libertarian, alt-light trash.

I got the impression that the grandma knew Denise was gay even though nobody wanted her to find out. Or did I miss a part where someone mentioned it to her? She seemed alright with it, either way.

Why do alt-right toddlers think giving money to a business is somehow a protest of that business?

It's weird to me that no one who's writing stories about this has bothered to look at his Twitter account where he repeatedly refers to the woman as a "floozy" and accuses her of "playing the victim". It's absolutely disgusting that the lot of you get so excited about the click-bate texting at a movie headline that

The fact that he consistently blames his assault charges on radical Swedish feminist conspiracies rather than the sort of standard "honey pot" shady-government plot that his lawyers are pushing should make it plainly obvious that even Assange believes he committed sexual assaults. It's not that he believes he was

Conservative comedian is an oxymoron and his "media venture" sounds like a list of Youtube links.

These overpriced shed houses seem to be marketed to people just wealthy enough to not know about mini-homes/trailers because you could buy an older apartment-sized mini-home for that price.

I'm still mad about this. Although maybe now we can all start using the original pronunciation of the name, rather than the Greek one.

I sort of wonder if fans just remember the old games as better than they were. Ashely, Kaidan, and Jacob were all exceptionally boring characters. Garrus didn't become much of a character until ME 2. A lot of the dialog is cheesy in all 3 games and Liara talks like an emotionless robot. And, uh, there were people

Hmm. I'm disappointed to hear that the story is stilted. The animation complaints aren't surprising. I love Bioware, but they have always sucked at character animation. The models actually look fine, it's the textures on the models that are the problem. Some of them look pretty good, but then others just have very

Alex Jones is only 43. Let that sink in.

The bar is so low that pundits are calling it "presidential" when Trump claims a navy SEAL he got killed is happy to be dead because it garnered some extra applause for Trump. Oprah would be too qualified at this point. The next president will be Gallagher. Assuming Trump doesn't split the country up and distribute it

This game looks gorgeous. I don't know if I have the time or attention span for a new hard game these days. But maybe I'll pick it up.

Not true, they could also send massive amounts of flattery to his narcissistic personality disorder.

Okay, I didn't get the moral or message or whatever of Nosedive. Was it that the social media is turning us all into shallow phonies who have to be nice to assholes to get ahead in life and that people will be discriminated against over arbitrary bullshit? Because humanity's been doing that since way before we had