Aeian T'goni

He's paying real life money for Pepe memes. Possibly thousands of actual currency dollars on channer ms paint jokes. Oh man, the story of how this guy loses all his millions before he's 30 is gonna be weird.

Is unpaid overtime not allowed in the animation industry? In the games industry, it's pretty standard. Sure, you'll get a few extra days off after doing months of crunch for the same salary you'd get working normal hours, but those days aren't 1:1 with the overtime hours you put in. It's a percentage. And the company

We missed the first two episodes of Cops, but if we hurry, we can catch the last three.

Some asexual people do have sex sometimes for various reasons. I don't watch Big Bang Theory, though, so maybe it was dumb.

Sarah Silverman is a delight.

I'd watch every episode of this, twice.

Listen, HBO, if you're going to start adapting old scifi novels, go Dune or go home.

You know what really bothered me about this episode? Well, everything, but also:

Listen, if you make them read a book that humanizes gay people, they might have a harder time thinking of them as inhuman monsters worthy of scorn.

Number 5 and number 44 are suspiciously similar.

"obviously not wanting to have his penis ripped off and replaced with a Betty Friedan book"

But can I still throw pizzas on my own roof?

Well self esteem is a finite asset. If you give more self esteem to girls, that takes away self esteem from boys. What do you think self esteem grows on trees? Typical liberal PC SJW.

Actually, if you choose to rewrite the Geth, you will have extra Geth soldiers, but fewer Quarian soldiers towards your readiness rating, and if you kill them you'll have more Quarians. If you manage to save both races, your readiness rating will be the same either way, though.

I'm afraid to re-watch this series, in case it's not as good as I remember. Kara Thrace is also my favorite character. Even later seasons Kara Thrace. I like Gaius as a hate-able character in the first few seasons until he got all religious.

Impressive. The Killers beat a lyric that included the phrase "Goo goo g'joob".

Actually, rape by blackmail isn't the same as rape by deception, and it is illegal in many places. I know it is illegal in Canada, but I'm not sure about US law.

Zaheer is definitely obsessed with air benders. Maybe you're right. Maybe Aang was just lucky that one of his children was born an air bender, but normally both parents need to be air benders. Or there was some sort of magical reason for why no air benders would have had bender children.

That sounds possible. Maybe she lost the ability to have children from an on-the-job injury and there's some big tragic back story. We will get to see a flashback involving Lin.

Yeah, but everything ever put on the internet is just a plot to get attention. Or money. Or money and attention.