Jezebel represents the worst of the internet. People like benjaminallover really do believe their nonsense though. That bitch is fucking crazy stupid.
Jezebel represents the worst of the internet. People like benjaminallover really do believe their nonsense though. That bitch is fucking crazy stupid.
The left is far scarier with their worship of government. It has become a religion with them.
“I mean it was really disheartening and kinda gross that I stopped my usual frequent comments.”
Obama bombed seven different countries. You just don’t hear about it because the media sucks in this country.
Lindy West. That bitch is a fucking cow.
Not surprised. You are the biggest douchebag on this site.
“I stand by my statement. It’s not illogical for my, or anyone else’s, first thought is that it’s a white male shooter. There’s a reason for that.”
Wrong. Delete your account. You are too stupid to post.
Not a white male. Most mass murderers are black just like this guy.
Sit down when you pee, bitch! Is that better? Fucking liberals are the biggest pussies ever.
There was no gun involved, retard!
This stupid bitch can never get anything right.
You fell for a bullshit story again. Jesus Christ! There was no shooter. He drove into a crowd and started to stab people. Get a new job. You really suck at this.
“No, you stop making blanket statements about millions of people you don’t know.”
When they realized they were lied to by their government, they will abandon the left in droves. It happens in every socialist country.
This is every poster on kinja.
Not if you are progressive.
I can forgive twenty somethings for being liberal retards, but 52 years old? What have you been smoking all these years?
Ok, buddy. This was probably a bored teenager, but I guess you got to stoke that fear.