
Did you see that article about that fat cow Lindy West the other day? Did you post on there how disgusting she is?

“It used to be if you walked down the street that if you saw a fascist, you could just start beating there ass. I don’t know why we stopped this practice.”

Lay off the drugs.

This guy is a fucking stud. I bet he is swimming in ass. Jealous?

Being called racist doesn’t mean shit anymore. Are you breathing? If yes, then somebody thinks you are a racist and possibly the next Hitler.

Lay off the drugs.

You are fat and dumb.

People like you use fear to drive your agenda. Fuck off.

We are all going to die! The Russians and the Nazi’s are coming! Run for the hills! Are you also a retard by choice?

Hey Eagle. Pratchett is my favorite author. He is a very witty guy. You are fucking dumb and suck at life. I own you bitch.

Way to make this about yourself. I am guessing you are a white woman.

This site is completely full of dipshits.

“people on the fringes of society have a need to gather, and few legitimate places to do so.”

“We are fighting for safe, flexible space in my Toronto community right. This tragedy brings home the need.”

“It just so happens that this particular tragedy brings to the forefront the needs of artists/activists.”

They were stealing electricity from neighboring buildings. It was not up to code.

You can avoid e.coli and salmonella without excessive regulations. Regulations also give people a false sense of security, especially with the corrupt nature of any government. Competition is the only good form of regulation. If you don’t want to get sick, go to higher quality places with good reputations.

We need one inspector per building. That way we will all be safe. Housing will not be affordable, but who cares about that.

“Definitely. Narcissistic personality disorder and sociopath. Like someone else who’s been in the news a lot lately.”

Fuck off.