
It’s not just the media reporting it more, they are leaving out any context. People on the left are too stupid to put anything into proper perspective and they know this. This is agenda driven and you are a retard if you don’t realize it.

Unions only help the people in the union. They fuck over everyone else. The construction industry is completely corrupt with mob influence on the east coast because of unions. Minimum wage helps a small minority of people and fucks over the large majority of people. Any increase in taxes always gets passed on to the

Trade deals have nothing to do with free trade. Free trade is me buying some shit from someone in China without government interference.

Paul David is owning your stupid ass.

“he comes out and states that that “they tried” to issue fake news liberals would eat up, but it would get debunked immediately and then fizzle out.”

“You have a diluted stance if you think these trade agreements have created a net loss of jobs.”

Somebody give this woman a cookie. Look at white a great white savior she is.

Keep it up, buddy. The left is being destroyed because of people like you.

Exactly. We have no idea what he will do. I think he might be more progressive than Hillary.

The response from the left regarding Trump almost makes me want to support him. It is fucking disturbing.

“but we must be careful not to lump all countries together as though they were one homogeneous mass simply due to a common religion....”

You are really buying into the fear the establishment is pushing. Neo Nazis number in the low thousands. Like under 5,000. The country has over 300 million people. Get a grip. Hillary is literally responsible for the deaths of brown people, but I suppose Libyans don’t count.

Oh no. Side eye. Please stop. It hurts.

The only “fake news” out there is the main stream media. They are getting called out and are now pushing the “fake news” bullshit. The left is done. This is the last grasps for power by the establishment(left and right). Fuck the fascists. Everyone on this site is still acting as a useful idiot for these guys. Trump

Statements like these is why the left is losing any credibility they had. Keep it up, Kara.

There is nothing ironic about Trump refusing to play ball with an obviously corrupt media. Obama was not exactly transparent. Now if Trump shuts them down, then I will have problems with him.

I do agree with you, but you seem to think electing democrats is the answer.

This is funny because you have no idea that you are the crazy one in the family. It is time to do some self reflection when your own family dislikes you.

You are a racist or something then.

It’s where the left gets their news now.