
There was a pic of him, so it was easy. Not only that but the news has been going around, so, again, easy. But what if it was a lesser known actor, in a story without the picture. Then how?

So the problem you seem to have is that you can’t push more watts into the phone through the wireless charger than the phone can take through the wireless connection? Is that it? That even though the brick you plug the wireless charger to can deliver 60W, the charger itself can’t push more than the 15W, 12W, 17W each

If they’re married to 6 different people, they’ve voted Bush, Bush, McCain, Romney, trump and trump. They would have preferred to vote for local food ‘ol boy Mitt in all of them, though.

“Decent folks”

I think we should pay homage to Donald Trump. Call the little panda “former president”. Or “inmate number…”.

Tape. 1 inch-wide surgical over the upper edge holding it tight over the nose and cheeks, or 1/2 inch wide double-sided foam tape inside the mask, sealing it against the nose. 

Vote Biden? 

Birds if a feather, sis. Down here I don’t even go out to the trash chute in my apartment building without a mask. When I come back into my apartment, I spray alcohol on the mask and leave it hanging by the back door to air dry, then on to the mask hamper (a plastic bin) until there’s enough of them to wash with a bit


Double sided foam tape. A half inch wide strip about 8 or so inches long. Place it centered on the bone of the nose, let it stick to your face following the contour of your nose and cheekbones. Peel the backing and put on your mask. The tape will seal the upper part of the mask around the nose. It helps the keep the

It’s fucking condoms all over again. THEY had been tested and were negative. YOU hadn’t (I assume). How could they tell they wouldn’t get it from you? They couldn’t but still wanted you closer to them and that’s one of the reasons why we’re in this mess.

Nope. The problem is not how to store hypothetical “leftover” baked potatoes. The problem is how to keep myself from charring the roof of my mouth with piping hot baked potatoes.

Almost. :)

So lazy they’re still mad about Lincoln freeing their “workforce” and leaving them do do actual work. 

Not deeper. Less deep. Skin deep at most. 

I like ‘suicidality’. Great word. I’ll start using it. 

While trump was trying to sell his branded real estate bullshit, and people sitting across from him at the negotiating table had an expectation of making a profit (which they did, after all, let’s be frank), everyone let him fly his bullshit. If you want to make some easy money, you let the codger yammer on. You humor

So that’s why trump goes to so few funerals, huh?

Paper filter, fine grind, mid-roast, one tablespoon of coffee to make one cup.

The reality seem to be that you should copy the information by hand or take cellphone pics of the screen.