Rockets… no. What could work would be reaction wheels. Using a heavy rotor (with a transversal axis) on the front of the car. If the car is nose up and about to flip backwards, a torque applied to this rotor by an electric motor would have, as its equal and opposite reaction, a torque applied to the vehicle, with its…
Or if the handrail is suspiciously warm, nearly hot, to the touch—it is usually a brand new handrail that has been installed too tight and the friction between the rubber and the guides is too much. It will solve itself in time, as the grinding wears the rubber away and the heat makes it stretch ever so slightly so…
Something bloody mary-ish, or perhaps irish coffee-y.
Chill. in 50 years this will be the kind of stuff that makes teenagers’ eyes glaze over during high school history class. In a hundred, it will be the kind of thing only history geeks would know about.
…With someone else’s big, black, muslim cock.
Exactly what I came here to say. Automakers should face car interiors as opportunities for customization, not just as factory options, but as replaceable parts. I imagine car owners “redesigning” their car’s interior every three years or so, swapping a gray-on-black color scheme for burgundy-on-tan or blue-and-orange,…
A coffee martini: Gin, coffee (cold), fernet. Shake to froth the coffee, add ice, stir, pour into a martini glass smoked with star anise.
What’s it with Russia hiring mentally defective people to do their bidding?
Yep. Family stories all over… My grandfather was of French extraction, and he came to Brazil with his family. He then went on to open a sewing supplies shop in the Middle-Eastern section in downtown Rio, meeting the grandmother who died young and who I didn’t even get to know, and making a living there. He usually…
Some diesel-esque fuel economy numbers are in fact unbelievable, just ask VW.
“There’s this great *device*… it’s a *device*, people tell me that can make any car into a beautiful clean-running car… You plug it in the cigarette lighter and bing-bong-bing there you go. California hates you. California made cars not have the cigarette lighter. Oooh! It’s cancer… No cancer in your car… Folks,…
“Ha! Someone could write a book on all things Trump doesn’t know shit about.”
What symbol?
And if they go with “Sorry, my wife has a medical condition, she needs the legroom because of her thrombosis.” You reply with “Wow, so do I!”
Simple: turn around to the person behind you, next to this asshole: “Hey, do you mind switching seats with this man’s wife? There’s plenty of legroom in here, and she REALLY wants to sit with him.”
A monster who can sleep comfortably in a nice almost-bed. Why would anyone want to be awake on a plane?
Or better, a “Umm, sorry, no.” in a slightly whiny voice and condescending tone, like you are talking to an idiot.
“…Will latch onto it like a fucking lamprey eel”