
Bien brûlé, monsieur le Comte. Bien Brûlé.

Now I can’t unsee it. Thanks.

Yeah, what’s the fun in killing ANIMALS?

Too wet. Have the bartender look askance at that vermouth bottle that has been sitting forlornly unopened on the top shelf since the armistice.

Brunette or blonde, sir?

Who spends so much time holding the glass that the drink gets warm? Aren’t we supposed to like, drink the thing?

But that was a terribly uncommunicative way to ask. “How do you want it?” is a stupid question. It is an open-ended question where you don’t want one. (“Cold”, “In silence”, “On a glass”, “Well-made”, “On the house”, “Quickly”… all valid answers—albeit some can be a bit smartassy for my taste—and none of them actually

If you don’t know about drinks, it is because you haven’t tried them. If you haven’t ever tried them, a busy night out is not a good time to begin. A busy night out when you’re trying to pass off as cool and sophisticated to impress potential mates is definitely NOT a good time to begin.

Not as big a POS as someone who would possess child porn and masturbate to it.

The very best thing about slide rules is that they are perfect for engineering calculations. Their very nature limits the precision you can get from one of them, keeping the significant decimal places in check. Who needs fourteen decimal places when calculating the circumference of something, like we get from digital

It could been in other cities, but they were going for a megalopolis vibe, so it pretty much rules out other cities—not that there aren’t buildings in other cities, but that the geography of São Paulo lends itself very well for claustrophobic skylines. There are natural ups and downs, rivers with steep banks that were

But oddly common in Brazil. Go figure.

Yep. I knew it from a single glance. The Puma. As for knowing when, tough luck: those things have a rustproof fiberglass body on a bulletproof beetle chassis—they’ll keep going for centuries, I reckon. I mean, it’ll be later than the early 70's, but with no predictable end date.

Budweiser is very useful to wash the urine from the sidewalks, so it is bought in large quantities. 


A chain is a simple thing, but if it is an adult who always brushes the child’s hair, just put the brush on a high enough shelf in between uses. Only the adult will reach it, and as long as the adult puts it back up, problem reasonably solved, sans chain. And, when the kids are tall enough to reach it, they better be

So, if the brush isn’t tethered it won’t gather dust? 

“The angry person is someone who lives on the street and can’t find parking.”

I’d say “because of lawsuit concerns”. If I hand a reusable container that I have been using and that I will be using, and that bacteria can’t swim upstream while the water is being poured, if there is any problem it will be my doing and I am the one who is going to suffer with it. The airlines probably just don’t

“…Your chance to cash it in for some grade-A American fast food.”