
The US has become too complex to govern. Presidents are no longer needed, but rather computer scientists from MIT.”

There is also a whole slew of cachaça drinks: batida. This means simply blending cachaça, ice, sugar (if needed) and something. Examples of “something”: lime juice; passion fruit pulp; cashew apples; coconut milk; tamarind paste; roasted peanuts and condensed milk (you’ve read that right: peanuts). See the semicolons

Cachaça pairs surprisingly well with coffee. Make it like an Irish coffee, minus the cream. Of course, the coffee must be very strong (lots of fine-ground coffee—the fine ground exposes more coffee grounds to the water, strong coffee means just a lower water-to-coffee ratio) and mild (the coffee shouldn’t be

I have three small cases that fit in a backpack for travel: one with medicine (my daily meds, plus eventualities), one with toiletries (travel toothbrush, floss, deodorant, wipe-n-go stain remover…) and one with the electronics (chargers, cables, external batteries, earphones, thumb drives…)

Has anyone signed Cara Delevingne for the movie yet?

Imma just drop this here ‘cause I don’t know where else I can: three-garlic burger.

TL. DR. Dafuq “No one can explain it”? Isn’t it a slam dunkkk?

Have they flown Putin in? 

Looks like glued-on hair clippings.

From what I’ve heard, it’s no big deal.

What does it mean, “complicit”?

No sleepink in service of the motherland.

Where’s the beef? All I see is blubber and bones.

If deodorant burns like hell, wouldn’t chest-deep gasoline hurt everyone’s dick as well? I think having the biggest dick would just hurt more.

But ICBMs travel in predictable ballistic trajectories. Those torpedoes will have to contend with hundreds of minute course corrections and drift due to underwater currents, and each single move, correction and deviation will have to be integrated to the positioning. Their precision won’t be as good — could be “good

“…and a top speed of 56 knots, which works out to 64 miles an hour on land.”

Those idiots haven’t yet realized that their M.O. of brazenly lying about everything only works when you’re operating in the shadows. If you are a “real estate developer” feeding bullshit to a mark in your own office, or when your legal troubles are arbitrated or judged under wraps, you go for the gold: lie as if you

A matter of cultural divide: WTF do you people think, going on dates with people you don’t know? You crazy? I have never been on a blind date, ever. In my neck of the woods, you get to know somebody at a social/work situation, if they are nice and not creepy, ask them out, see how things go from there. Meeting a

Don’t go digging under the basement, then.

Trump doesn’t have to grow a beard. He is a “billionaire”, he orders one from Czechoslovakia, Georgia or Slovenia.