
“Yes, Mr. President. A very bold move, indeed. ‘Obama’ would never have thought of it, and being the ineffectual liberal he is, I bet he would never have the guts to be in that rocket. No siree, he’d never lead America back to its former Greatness, not from the commander’s seat, he wouldn’t”.


People who don’t have to work to earn their living, that’s who. Fat cats who just manage the money they’ve inherited from generations ago or who got rich in less-than-honest businesses by pilfering from public coffers, or overcharging the downtrodden or short-changing their employees, that’s who. 

All we need now is electric rifles, like Tom Swift’s. Musk, hop on it! A nice electric-gun rack to mount on our Teslas, a couple of silent, yet deadly high-powered slug throwers. All we need to even out the equation. 

I don’t think he CAN get a second season. Cat’s out of the bag. Even the most dimwitted evil fucks are not as dim-witted as needed to fall for this kind of thing now. 

Not only for kids. Dogs respond to specific whistles just as well. Mine is a short high note followed by an ascending two-note sequence. The dog will immediately look up and try to locate me.

We’re Brazilian and my dad taught us this too. It’s not something common around here, and I think our may have something to do with my dad being in the Navy and exposed to other customs than the average person.

The troll is (partially) right. Donnie two-scoops is not racist. He does not see skin color (that’s probably why he allows his special-effect make-up artist go so overboard with the cheeto dust: he can’t see the garish color he is). He sees people for what they’re worth: rich (good), middle class (=poor), poor

Unethical. It is attainable—with large doses of ethanol.

It would be unethical to make the GOP base smarter, because only by interbreeding them with humans it would be possible.

“[…]the planet’s crust, core, and mantel”. Mantle.

For “stack of well thumbed Playboys” you mean “Old fart’s tinder”?

Question: if suddenly those things were to be made with no nicotine, would people notice it right away?

All I remember about those cars is that it got really hot in the back “cargo” area—it being directly above the engine and all. My older sister wouldn’t let me ride on the rear seat with her. She’d pinch me if I tried, so I rode on the back. Above the engine. Delightful.

Gertie was probably just pissed off her leg-showing trick hadn’t been working so well for her lately. 

Capybaras are indeed the coolest. Near my mother-in-law’s place (In the mountains in Southeastern Brazil) there is a river that cuts the city where there are several groups (Packs? Pods? Bunches? What’s the collective of capybara?) that live down the banks. Families (with adults, teens and babies) all huddled up

Those bitches KNOW that their opinions are inhumanly shitty. It is not a belief that because they are better then everybody else, they should be running things to make the world run smoothly. It is a desire to be just horrible. To be a nasty motherfucker who does things to hurt other people just for fun. They can’t

“How late can I have an abortion?”

Now THAT’s a car that screams to be self-driving.

There’s plenty of people who will willingly convince themselves that those were all false flag operations by the Democrats and go all full of angry righteousness to vote for the same pricks yet again.