What if it means something to the audience? The audience, which, as far as I know, like you, is on our own real earth?
What if it means something to the audience? The audience, which, as far as I know, like you, is on our own real earth?
That video where he's seemingly alone? And that video where he advocates mask wearing? What's your point?
People like to watch attractive people.
If the event didn’t happen, no one would have known about it? Um...agreed, I guess?
I’m glad you won’t be at our show then. Unless you show up unwanted like here.
He’ll get bored sometime in preproduction and end up not directing it. I won’t blame Q. People jump on any passing thought he has.
I actually wished you were more righteous, not less.
What was I just saying yesterday about how MSNBC is only ostensibly leftist and at heart a corporate (read: deeply conservative) organization that only employs people like the great Christmas Hayes and the awesome Rachel Maddow as counter-programming?
I rather liked Drift. Insightful and illuminating. It’s more her overall on-air enthusiasm for the subject that turns me off. I think it’s a good thing to have a liberal commentator/journalist/figurehead be so knowledgable about the workings and history of the armed forces. But these are some organizations that don’t…
You better get working on finding a way to make him not the president, then. Minus violence, I will support your efforts. I wish your motivations were more righteous than getting a website to your perceived status quo, but whatever works.
With lots of gratuitous shots of their feet!
An insult is not necessarily a joke.
ABC is not progressive/liberal. They are an actual news organization, unlike Fox, that employs some real journalists. Which is nice. But not really leftist. That doesn’t exist on American tv. Maybe a show or three, but not a whole network. Not PBS (centrist). Not MSNBC (some programming is progressive, but it’s it’s…
I’ll promise to join Twitter if they dump the hatemongers (including Trump).
So he IS a uniter, in the end.
“Preternatural”? She’s not a Tenenbaum. She’s co-written some good songs.
But do cashews have little cocks or proportionately big ones? Maybe it was a compliment. Idk, they must remove cashew penises before selling them.
Liberals are smarter and more sound policy-wise. Not because I think of myself as smart or consider myself liberal (though I do) but because of science and empathy and history. (Examples: climate change, health care, and the New Deal, respectively.)
Donald Trump is a comedian of sorts, so there’s a market for right-wing comedy. As for whether that comedy can be actually good? No, because conservatives are dumb(er) and they punch down, not up.