
My car is a 2008 Honda Fit Sport with 88,000 miles...

Exactly... if the gasoline national average went from $2.25 to $3.30 in the last year, that’s roughly 50%... this means all shipping of goods, long haul or short haul have now 50% more shipping cost... Trucks/ trains do not magically fuel up at January 2021 costs. And while shipping is a fraction of the cost of an

Nice explanation. And also agree that setup might help on turns but not the straights. Since the vehicle is yawed and rear wheels do not have steering knuckles and if any toe-in/out they have is fixed, this adjustment to the vehicle is building lateral forces that need to be compensated with the front wheels in order

“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” - Andy Warhol

Well... some add a few...

Nah... you want society to be fair? Follow the law and the sentencing.

So quick math...

“inflation hit a 40-year high at seven percent,...”

Not an expert in the field...

That’s epic!

Now playing

In the “Consensus” topic, when it comes to climate, you might have heard/ read about the scientific consensus that 97 % of scientists agree on climate change. (promoted by Al Gore, Obama and most of the media)...

Of course he makes fun of Biden, everyone does. So that’s where you stopped. Maybe watching Heller’s actual climate misinformation and rebuttal videos is too much to comprehend (or care) for you.

The planet is clearly warming, the data is freely available.”

Nearly all climate scientists agree...”

THAT was one huge chunk of change drifting away... wasn’t it.

I go to Climate Re-Analyzer for their data not their opinion. Actual data are facts. How CO2 affects or does not affect climate or how any other anthropogenic change to climate is made continues to be up for debate.

I like Sabine, I watch her often. In her video she clearly explains the problems with current models... in fact, towards the end in regards to the fires in Australia, the attribution to anthropogenic cause as she states, the media is bonkers...
Specially because Australia fires in 1974 were 10+ times the size.

Thank you.

If you go to their page of re-analysis :