
That would be a 502:1 ratio (US 2020 census).

The real questions are...

It is not the metric for country preference. That is what we are discussing here.

I agree for other reasons.

Sure because China and India are next door.

Providing they fit in there, that would mean they like Jamaica as much as the US.

No oops... US 48.2M vs CAN 7.6.

Something tells me you got it all backwards:

He would be talking about his next purchase then...

Nah... Nothing racist about out. You are taking as an excuse to ignore reason, reality and facts. You cannot re-write history by ignoring where it came from.

And that’s why you need a patent lawyer to do discovery and prior art , etc...and make the particular distinction the point of the patent.... it is not cheap... think $10K+

I you have ever had to deal with patents... unless it is an explicit copy true and true, pretty much anything goes if the end result is the same... and it is also patentable as unique.

Oh... I agree. Motors are super efficient, ultra compact in all different shapes as well as drive units and electronics. They are truly top notch. Even the rationale of the mechanical simplification over ICE engines is a no-brainer.

The whole vote by mail is a sham. From judges barring states from proof of citizenship to vote, to trying to force 65 yr or older to vote by mail, to ballot harvesting where one person can drop untold voting cards...

It all comes down to absentee ballots and main-in voting... Although both terms are used interchangeably by the media they are not actually the same in this context.

US$ to AU$ = 1:1.40 average

Regardless of how these tests went, it only highlights how bad battery technology is for cars so far. An that is considering this is the best top notch technology we have.

Now playing

Well yeah... Biden would be the fall of America.

I would buy that with a V8 in it.

The atmostphere is among othr things composed of 2.5 % water vapor (25,000 ppm),