You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
He’s an excellent data miner.
I think he blew it because he went into the turn too close to the grass berm trying to cut the corner.
Yeah, maybe because CO2 and Methane are not really heating up anything?
I’ve seen a car being side wiped from the back, loose traction, skid sideways and go off the side of the freeway and roll over.
I guess is economies of scales... These boxes on wheels are fine in Europe with short distance travel at mostly slow speeds. They are great for catering / food trucks (also a slow speed/distance in the US for that segment).
Laugh all you want. That shit still works.
This is an easy one. Just look at your intake filter.
A lot of modern engineering into HMI (Human machine interface) has been lost with new engineers that have a basic understanding of the principles of “form follows fuction”.
Yo’, it has enough room in the back to carry several bodies to dump by the docks...
You better starch this pun thread again...
I believe NASA did not want to have Dragon land on the ground although Space X did have the tech ready to go, but untested. They intended it for Lunar and Martian landing... remember the illustrations?
Excuses? HA! No my friend, your ideology clouds your judgement. Numbers don’t lie.
NY Post article is true regardless of the leaning. Who cares if it’s true.
43? Yup, Millenial. Look it up Gen Y.
Darn... I could use the last clip on my commute every day.! ;D
You still can’t make your point.