Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

I’ll say this as someone who knows and respects plenty of wrestlers, wrestlers and those involved in wrestling are fucking weird. It’s more a cult than a sport.

Man Living in Gaudiest Glass House Throws Stones, Misses

Honestly, he’s been the very first open person to admit he was wrong, apologize for it and said yes he should have an ethics investigation.

I think the pic isn’t sexual assault. It is def sexual harassment. I suppose you could make the argument that it is objectively “less bad” than assault. But I think that’s a tricky argument to get into because both sexual harassment and sexual assault are coming from the same societal problems re: treatment of women.

My profession requires that I attend town meetings. The kind of person who shows up for every single one of them voluntarily is far worse than radio callers.

I squee’d quite loudly when I saw the top picture. Both because those girls are just the cutest, and I am a STEM-girl so I got what those costumes were before I even saw the book in the middle girl’s hands. Thank you so much for sharing that.


Love rugby and actually played tighthead prop at Wits years back, but as long as the NFL is siphoning off all of that type of physical talent, we’ll never stand a chance against the southern giants or the traditional Euro powers. We’ve only won three rugby World Cup matches out of 25 games played, and two of them were

Now playing

For anyone in need of some positivity, I’m just going to leave this here: