Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

If I was going to give her any benefit of the doubt it would be to say she is doing a dumbed down, woo woo version of the issue of over prescription, which is a genuine problem (as documented better in works like Prozac Nation). But she definitely seems to be one of those that takes that kernel of truth and spins it

While I respect your perspective, there is also an argument that an audience should be exposed to the visceral nature of acts of violence because they are alien to the average person’s experience and the act of confrontation with the realistic (not cartoonish or intentionally exploitative) depiction of such acts is a

And that comparison helps illustrate the differences in eras - between better treatment, greater leverage (plus the willingness to use it), and greater economic rewards Marshawn was able to treat the game as a means to an end rather than grinding until his joints were bone on bone disasters. And tell anyone who didn’t

I agree if your goal is to repeat the Obama coalition you should be thinking hard about minority activation. That’s why Castro should be at or nar the top of everyone’s list. But if Biden/Warren buy the narrative that what they need are suburban moms inWI/MI/PA ala 2018 to overcome Trump’s advantage with angry white

I felt like there were a lot of different ways to make this a much tighter, better film. I was definitely left asking what the hell the point was of just about everything, I felt no connection to DiCaprio’s story arc - washed up actor has one more shot at glory/shows world he still has chops has been done with much

If Warren and Sanders drag each other down and Harris can’t knock out Biden for control of the Obama coalition there’s a chance Mayor Pete squeaks in as the compromise candidate. But I suspect he’s got his best shot as VP on a Biden or Warren ticket (young and gay plus Midwestern “real people” appeal). Can’t see him

Maybe Daddy’s second pass was to buy her a semi decent SAT score. He had padded her grades already and she was no doubt taking (on paper) a ton of AP classes so if he did Cal wouldn’t even look at her personal essay. I got into Cal out of a middle of the pack public high school mainly bcause I am a standardized test

This one doesn’t sound like it was about her being a recruited tennis athlete, just him writing a profile that sounded like Serena Williams only more extreme. So all the admissions office has is what she claims to be to go on/they aren’t looking at tape to verify a claim like that. Some schools do ask non revenue

We have plenty of food to feed the schools already. Just not the will to do it for free. As te originalnpost asked, the reason food stamps and free lunch were out under the USDA originally and not HHS or Education is in fact because they are part of the overall market stabilization/subsidization of our food supply. So

There have been some GOP proposals for welfare “reform”/exciting the TANF work rules in states that have essentially amounted to bringing back the workhouse for otherwise unemployed benefits recipients. Never mind how the GOP in the same breath as demanding poor people work will decry the lack of parental presence in

Don’t worry once the real costs kick in of staffing up a campaign/buying major air time we’ll be down to 3-5 players. Most likely right as the southern swing starts after NH if this follows the pattern. And even of those 5, 1-2 will likely be living off the fumes of a SuperPac’s money/looking for a soft landing by

Dude also has a heavy Tim Conway vibe (circa McHale's Navy maybe or early seasons of the Carol Burnett show).  Utter panic but Conway knew he was there to get a laugh. 

Te best part is when he said, with no evidence the “the African American people” are calling the WH in droves. And then his deflectors wonder why, after invoking tribalism so overtly, minorities might not give this particular President the benefit of the doubt when he says and does racially coded BS 

You are missing the other part of the bill entirely (and Warren’s too) - if we subsidized public education to a point where the effective cost of tuition at a good public school was zero (not room and board, fees, books and other items although there is work to be done there) then private schools would be forced to

It is a private/public thing - a few (not a lot) of private schools are making big noises about slashing their top list price (typically running 40-50k a year, which is between 2-3 times what it was in the 90s) to make a splash in the market when the reality is no one was actually paying it. It is largely seen as a

You should never be paying 30% of your income on student debt (at least Fed loans) - income based repayment (PAYE is the current version but others exist) caps your payments at a max of 10%. It still hurts, and the timeline can feel ridiculous (although it is similar to most mortgages today). 

There’s no way to know someone well when you first meet them no matter what approach you take. Even if all you want to do is make friends you need to take a plunge. If you want more complete information you have to go with sites that will require the same of you - things like eHarmony or even OkCupid will have people

My great aunt used red currants to make preserves that were nice - especially with thin pancakes (not quite crepes but close) that you roll up like a mini jelly roll. They are also a common ingredient in liquers that at least in eastern Europe people make at home. 

No drinking tonight (yet) by it is summer shandy/berry cider day drinking season.  I can contribute intellectual silliness to the party as well - someone has to be the awkwardly earnest drunk getting deeply philosophical in the corner then bursting out in bad dancing.

Tank you for these - your kitty updates are always a highlight of the week and a nice piece of counter programming to a week of Barf Bag.