Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Joni Ernst (R-IA) basically fits the same profile - just opened up about her abusive husband and a sexual assault in college, after voting for Brett Kavanaugh because she doesn’t believe Dr. Ford. The hypocrisy of that confirmation hearing is just getting more and more clear.

Yes he is.  I assumed they meant the woman who rolled on him at the Election Board, but the link is definitely about him.

As fucked up as our history in Latin America is, and as much as I hate the Trump administration’s half assed approach to everything, supporting Guaido is actually one thing that just about everyone who believes in the rule of law and democracy support because Maduro has been such a totalitarian ass.  Now if only they

Well, especially given what that talking head probably makes and what some of the foundation scholars of the “free market” like Smith and Mill would say about massive corporations, inherited wealth and the value of labor.

Well, and the fact that Nevada is actually trending blue and has been for the last decade or so in part because of Reid’s leadership (and demographic shifts) but Trump can’t possibly understand someone wanting to spend their retirement with their grand kids.

They used to at least make noises in that direction with their guidelines for safe gun ownership - only to attack many of those principles (keeping guns and ammo separate and locked away) as implemented by DC and other urban areas as an assault on gun owners’ rights (and more importantly a restriction on the ability

I hate who brought the case because it really is a pretty cynical effort on their part (you wanted equality hur hur hur) but it is a logical extension of RBG’s central argument that any gender based discrimination by the state has to be based on real differences, not stereotypes.

You and the author of All Quiet on the Western Front, among others.

Well, first of all you should probably look at the statements of groups who actually represent members of those groups rather than interrogating me since my response was an attempt to show you why others have a problem with his one note approach to policy. Setting that aside your question is ignoring the huge gulf

Same. As a man, no one (except me, and I wasn’t talking) thought my depression onset weight loss was unusual or unhealthy.  Weirdly, the one almost manic phase of happiness I’ve had in the last decade (3 weeks of being blissful to a point I got worried) also meant I wasn’t eating but I definitely don’t recommend

He regularly clings to the idea that economic policy will resolve issues of racial injustice rather than giving them the focus that minorities (who are a key voting bloc of the Democratic party) want them to have. It comes across as dismissive of their concerns in a “rising tide lifts all boats” way, which from the

Old vine zinfandel = delicious.  White zinfandel = disturbing and basic.

18-21 year olds just don’t vote in large enough numbers to make losing that 8 percent worthwhile - which in some cases is a couple of percent of the overall state budget, so a not insignificant loss to make up somewhere else.

What will be fascinating to me is how it impacts juror challenges - because hair (length, style, and whether it is messy or well maintained) has actually become one of several stand ins for improper racial challenges, along with how people wear their pants, whether they seem too attentive or too bored, have too many

To expand just a little on Alice’s point, the folks who handle DUIs and similar minor crimes on a regular basis are a pretty tight group in most places. Most of the defense lawyers used to be prosecutors or at least know them well since they cut deals on most cases, and the judges and courtroom personnel see them

There’s actually a company that sells aDago Red” - it was at one point made by a grape farmer of Italian descent as an alternative to selling his crop to wineries, but now there’s a winery that includes it.  Certain Italian-Americans are not pleased.

Well that would be one of the words in that tweet (along with mainstream, common sense, agenda and American People) that he is using incorrectly (unless by American People he means a corporate brand that only represents his xenophobic and short sighted supporters).

To be fair, we have those in America too (both free standing and in places like bowling alleys and ice rinks) - but we lost a lot of them to franchised fast food joints, convenience stores and in some cases funding cuts in the parks and camps that had them. No bear dicks, but the roller grill hot dogs and hamburgers

I have no reason to doubt the top line number, but it really tells you nothing on its own. Per the attached story and the report from the pollster, the sample was skewed GOP (43% GOP, 24% Dem and 26% “independent”) and flies in the face of other polling. For example, 70%+ (basically all the GOP and most of the

Both statements are accurate ultimately. A dismissal with prejudice is a routine term of a settlement, and typically at the request of either all parties or unopposed by the plaintiff - basically a formality at that point rather than a finding of a problem with the suit as the phrasing implied. The link would more