Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

But that’s just a study from an “elite” institution - of course they are biased against the truth telling heroes at Fox and Infowars. (SARCASM - I don’t think the simple tag is adequate anymore).

Wow that is so out there I assume it is written as satire but somewhere along the line people forget who the target of the joke is.

White tribal identity is just as real as any other, and as the United States’ population becomes more pluralistic, it will likely have more rather than less political salience, especially for people you wouldn’t otherwise think it should matter to (ie people who are actively fucked over by the party they support based

Yes - from the same marketing geniuses who have used “crisis pregnancy clinics” as fronts for disseminating anti-abortion bullshit (and then defend it on First Amendment grounds when the state of California tries to make them provide factual information, even as the same assholes push state level legislation that

I actually wrote a scene for a satire*  in which a political candidate is obsessed with hair** and I am at once horrified and amazed at the depth of thought that went into that paragraph.

His orangeness reportedly loves his Filet-O-Fish, and one of the ways he’s “magically” kept his weight down is eating only half the buns on those suckers. The McChicken is empirically superior (although not as good as either the fancier McD’s chicken sandwich or Chik-fil-A or any number of other fried chicken

The one thought I have (beyond his whole operation being a slapdash nightmare) is that the shutdown might have made bringing in outside catering staff on Donald’s dime more difficult than what they would normally do for a reception or state dinner - new vendors have to get vetted, and that does take some time - but it

Elite lawyers tend to be judgmental pricks, and law professors more so (I’m a former lawyer and have taught law/legal studies, but I like to think I’ve broadened my thinking in a way some of my colleagues haven’t). My own personal hypothesis from prolonged exposure is because it is a system based on a false conception

The coach is a “Gawd, fuball and fambly” type of good ole boy named Dabo Swinney.  No way in hell he was turning down the invitation.

Lots of people did just that in the lead up to Osweiler’s draft - they specifically talked about Dan McGwire back when he came out, and for years people have tried to claim his delivery effectively made him shorter (the inverse of Wilson’s use of different delivery angles to make up for his lack of height).

Having wrestled (badly) in school, I was enough of a nerd that I read the rules. It has always been about hair length - specifically about grabbing hair by your opponent.

I’m guessing that Trump’s knowledge of Wounded Knee extends about as far as knowing there was a mini-series with the title some years ago. That or Stephen Miller suggested it to him.

My guess is there will be a fierce competition to get his name associated with a school of government and/or public policy ala the Kennedy School at Harvard or Wilson at Princeton.  University of Chicago would be a geographically logical but intellectually hilarious choice given its association with Milton Friedman

A question no one asked JFK or Lincoln (or really Palin either come to think of it). I realize she’d get dragged for it, but for any woman candidate it really is a matter of picking what you’ll be dragged for and I’d kind of like to see them try with Tammy.

I have mixed feelings about Ron. Even in his “softer” iteration, he is a stubborn, largely uncommunicative “traditional” man who espouses a ridiculously oversimplified worldview and exemplifies a lot of the characteristics this report is trying to address as problematic - like closing off his feelings and thinking

Peyton Manning face/college body (all weird angles) with a mullet. John Elway in college too - not quite human/uncanny valley stuff.

Good character requirements are exactly why we get assholes like Kavanaugh insisting they’ve never done anything wrong in their lives. The panel may not have cared about her sex work in this instance, but in the US you’d be disqualified from even sitting the bar exam in most states if they ever found out you engaged

Definitely disorienting. First year of a PhD program is significantly harder in my experience in terms of actual workload/expectations, but that re-wiring of your brain in law school (plus the all or nothing nature of a lot of finals) makes for a special kind of hell.

The Federal government has a similar but narrower set of laws that can include fines and preventing you from getting contracts with them if you do business with countries that engage in “unsanctioned boycotts” (ie the Arab League nations’ boycott of Israel). Not a violation of the First Amendment in theory because you

Newt is so out of touch with reality that it would be fascinating to watch him flail with the monsters he helped create in the Freedom Caucus, then try to convince Trump all was well.