Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Given his statements he will no doubt announce tomorrow that police must no longer attempt to put pressure on defendants to secure plea deals and he’s pardoning everyone in Federal Prison right now who plead guilty to avoid worse consequences (ie virtually the entire prison population). I’m sure that’s what the “Law

Could not be decided now being the equivalent of complete innocence or a lack of evidence sufficient to justify prosecution is a new one for me.  He didn’t get an acquittal on any counts, which would at least support his “witch hunt” claims more cleanly.

Translation from Trump Speak - I have never, will never and can never commit a crime. Therefore, by definition what Michael Cohen did on my behalf cannot be criminal. His admission was to completely lawful acts. The fact that our unbridled police state saw fit to label these blameless acts a crime is not an indication

The DOJ Guidelines - which Rosenstein and Mueller are all but certain to follow - take the position you can’t indict the President, dating back to a 1973 memo that was updated in 2000. It is basically on the grounds that it would be too much of a distraction/interference with the office. This is to the one line

Variants on your first point (don’t treat them like animals) are a big chunk of what these seminars propose. Only in place of living wages and benefits its linguistic programming about how they are a family trying to make a difference in the world, and “outside agitators” want to change that so that they can enrich

Don’t underplay the impact of backlash to the civil rights movement among the former rank and file of unions.  In a number of industries unions held out against integration and affirmative action through similar tactics to school districts in the south, with union membership drop offs corresponding to remedial orders

Well, sadly Mueller and Rosenstein both seem to believe that’s true (there’s a split view among scholars but more than a few people have argued the only reason Rosenstein/Comey et al have said Trump isn’t a target of the investigation is because they don’t think they can indict him - which of course he’s willfully

Putting both the Obamas’ statements by the drivel Trump put out is a side by side of the normative vision of America and what we all too often are.

If you read the rest of Chaplinsky, though the standard is clarified as a word that any reasonable person would be moved to fight at being called without regard to the particular speaker or circumstance (except maybe requiring that it be uttered seriously rather than clearly as a joke). That has made the doctrine a

Sorry. I really was sincere, I don’t doubt your sincerity and I appreciate your insights as I really hadn’t heard of anyone doing that.

Brush control is part of Cal Fire policy and law, though. If you live in a high fire hazard area you have to have 100 feet of clear space around a residence, and Cal Fire carries out controlled burns all over the state. Private individuals are often limited in what they can do in terms of burning debris, but that’s

The only thing I’d add is that Hannity has been the ass trumpet of this theory that its the big bad Federal government screwing California farmers for years. He did a whole set of remote shows from the area during the Obama administration, for example, to air bullshit grievances centered around the protection of the

Assuming the local initiative to get rid of the brothels fails, I’d book the under.  However, given the nature of the owner, I doubt you’ll ever hear about her demise - he totally gives off the vibe of someone who’d handle such an event by burying the victim in a shallow grave and backdating his records to make it

Ok. I like Dr. Nerdlove, so appreciate the recommendation, but that really bothers me to read. If I open up to someone about my issues (always a terrifying step, but I’ve started doing it earlier so people don’t try to “fix” me later or feel like I misled them in some way) it is almost always combined with explicit

Yes, at least for me it never goes away. I think of it like acting (another thing a lot of people can’t reconcile with being an introvert, despite all the introverted actors in the world) - I do two shows a day, four times a week (up from first adjuncting like you are and then being the multi-gig type for several

Trump raised his profile (in the party and nationally) a lot, gave him access to money sources he never had before and because of the Russia investigation turned his spot on the Intelligence committee into essentially a way for him to gain ever greater influence with the White House.  He used backing Trump as a way to

Wait, they have? I’m sincerely asking this because I’m a) on the spectrum, b) have anxiety and c) never to my knowledge been accused of sexual harassment. If anything a and b mean I don’t even try to approach people I don’t know most of the time, and I’m having a hard time getting how my inner terror and tendency to

Autism absolutely is a disability as a matter of law, gamerbear. A diagnosis of autism, with no co-presenting diagnoses, can qualify an individual for everything from workplace accommodations under the ADA, to vocational rehabilitation services under VR, to occupational and physical therapy under the ACA and medical

I almost said the same thing, then remembered the assholes I know who are both on the high functioning side of the spectrum and blindly recite the FBI’s stats on crime as evidence that “black people are more prone to commit crime” and other bullshit like that. The rule/system seeking behavior associated with

As the parent of an autistic young man who will never live fully independently, and as a high functioning member of the spectrum myself (what we used to call Asperger’s - but that’s a whole other mess) I’d like to see the receipts on this young lady’s diagnosis. Being able to live on her own in NYC, feeling