Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Wow that’s a lot of wrong to pack into a single sentence. Chattel slavery as an American institution predates political parties by over 100 years and was embraced by progenitors of both major political parties. The GOP wasn’t pro-emancipation in its founding either, just opposed to the expansion of the practice.

Ah yes -the case he said was a total winner and he’d never settle, then tried to claim the Federal judge’s Mexican heritage (despite being born in Indiana) was the reason he wasn’t granted summary judgment, and then basically gave the plaintiffs everything they wanted to avoid getting destroyed at trial. I’m sure that

MJ noted he is with Lebron on this for all the good works he does.

Don’t forget Track - he’s got 2 kids, only 1 born “in wedlock” (read shotgun wedding) and as far as I know not exactly supporting either.

No he really doesn’t belong in an institution and I really wish people would stop trivializing this issue. Yes he appears to need a lot more intervention and support than he has received to date, but going back to the model of institutionalizing the societally inconvenient is not something anyone should be advocating

Talenti is evil stuff - like when Ben and Jerry’s first hit, only creamier and hence even less likely to survive a day after I buy it. Better to just skip the ice cream aisle altogether (although really that’s just generally good advice for me I routinely fail to take). 

If we knew who he was I’d suggest a referral to his school’s mental health support system (he does seem to suggest he’s still in school).  He’s flashing a lot of warning signals for a meltdown of epic proportions, and a mental health intervention would be a lot more useful than a criminal investigation.

If we knew who he was I’d suggest a referral to his school’s mental health support system (he does seem to suggest he’s still in school).  He’s flashing a lot of warning signals for a meltdown of epic proportions, and a mental health intervention would be a lot more useful than a criminal investigation.

Yeah I had a student recite to me that his father had told him that if you graduate high school, don’t commit crimes and don’t have kids before you are 20 you’ll be fine in America. The implicit subtext was his father (who later that year had bad enough financial issues to cause the kid to transfer closer to home) was

Sadly your experience is not exceptional. I’ve never been directly involved with the process, but I’ve had a number of students(mainly women) who had one or who had helped others get one, only to be disappointed in the treatment by law enforcement. Part of it is the nature of who is going into law enforcement and how

You will hear a huge range of opinions on this - and really there’s no one standard. If you are ordering takeout from a lot of restaurants, then actually there is a decent amount of service involved. Things like garnishes and salads and sauces still get prepped by the server/bartender who is stuck doing takeout

While I generally agree (again) - from a utilitarian perspective raising the floor would almost certainly be better on a broad scale - I worry about how a minimum law would be manipulated by those same lobbyists to make tips the property of the ownership. Maybe I’m just being manipulated into supporting a fucked up

That’s normative philosophy for you - following the rules in theory results in better outcomes in the long run even if it seems like it ignores a glaringly obvious counterexample. Kant valued intent over outcomes, so the act of lying cannot be justified by its results. Of course results based morality is its own

It really comes down to the vendor, not the location in my experience. There are fish vendors in downstate Illinois who have excellent sushi grade tuna that has been properly cared for throughout its journey - and there is shitty grocery store sushi/poke that was treated like trash in Southern California and scares me

Yeah I had a colleague once who was proud of throwing a shit fit to get comps from restaurants and hotels. Made a point of never going out socially with her after hearing her brag about how she conned a hotel into comping her stay when they hadn’t done anything wrong. 

Well, what you describe is also basically Kant’s moral imperative regarding treating others as ends and not means, as well as the Golden Rule, so your anime - based philosophy is in good company.

I’m with you on all points, but would point out there is one downside to raising server wages to minimum wage from the perspective of servers. Once the owner does that, they can implement mandatory tip pooling/make servers pay a portion of their tip to the cooks. Which at one level might seem benign or even a good

Stand your ground laws aside (they are bad policy for a lot of reasons including their general vagueness of and uneven application) fuck the police chief’s victim blaming about not seeking enforcement of the OP. That happens every day in America, often for one or more of the following reasons:

Motivated cognition at its finest.  The best part of it is I’m sure they’d tell you nothing has changed about their opinions even after you showed them the graph.

On a Twitter handle it is definitely weird. Most of my colleagues in academia with a signature block on their university accounts seem to include it there, and I’ve copied the practice - but I then cut it off when I’m sending e-mails to people I know personally, and never in stuff I send off my phone. I used to