Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

I don’t want to watch it with anyone, but I want every parent to watch it (and sort of want my teenager to watch it as long as she never tells me she does).

What they were referring to is that by statute these people typically have a defined number and term on the panel (so that they can be independent), so while they can find lots of people to shill for corporate entities they’d have a hard time making room on the panels for a couple of years.

But the one thing we know about Trump is he’s a rageaholic who lashes out at any perceived threat. His own comment is something like hit back 10 times harder. It is lunacy for Pence to be this transparent with a guy like that - while he’s a toddler, he’s a toddler with a hammer willing to smash everything to bits just

I also teach in college. In my mid 40s, it is especially difficult for me to even see them as sexual creatures most of the time because I have kids their age (granted my son is the youngest 20 year old you’ll meet - autism tends to have that impact). I mean I know they are engaging in sexual activities at one level,

You joke, but one of the solutions that has been tried (although not very thoroughly) has included the use of shipping containers as a place for homeless to drop their stuff during the day (typically into what you would immediately think of as trash cans but not called that for marketing reasons). So Amazon could make

Portland has a highly visible homeless population, in part because the metro area is pretty compact and the downtown has a high concentration of both services and areas to “camp” for want of a better word (lots of green spaces by the freeways that cut through downtown have become de facto campsites). It became a lot

One rally where a contingent starts yelling “We Like Mike” over and over would probably lead to bloodshed and multiple aneurysms in the Trump camp.

If he was smooth, this (and his work with donors, his PAC, and hiring Corey Lewendowski as an olive branch about said PAC) wouldn’t be so in the open. Pence is more practiced than Trump and clearly ambitious but he’s too dumb to be subtle enough to really do the truly Machiavellian stuff, like lying low for a while

It was a joke - I don’t think anyone’s seen raisins in potato salad. But as a kid raised by and around products of the whitest parts of white culture (Midwestern 1970s era Betty Crocker German/WASP cooking), I have seen raisins, carrot strips (not really julienned but what you get if you just keep peeling the carrot

It sounds like he forgot that compassion begins with those closest to you and radiates outward. It also is not compassionate to overlook ongoing violations or simply accept all positions are valid - that’s apathy.

Well, surely after he gave all the US Pharma Bros such a huge tax break they’ll definitely be nice to us once they are making more money on the EU market. After all, they all immediately repatriated 100 percent of their offshore assets to take advantage of the new lower tax rates, and turned a massive portion of those

It probably isn’t if everyone sticks to their stories. They didn’t give a gift to an official because of their position (so gift rule violations are out). They didn’t look to offer something of consideration in return for official acts (as far as we can tell) so bribery is out, along with associated wire fraud

Unfortunately for the joke (but another way Trump lied) 2 of these guys were detained after he was elected and the 3rd something like 2016 - so sadly they all knew what they were coming back to.

From Newsom to Mooch to Trump Jr. seems like a pretty big slide (and a really weird political progression too). 

The number one job of campus security everywhere is dealing with trespassing complaints. At private schools their main power is generally to remove people from campus who don’t have a justification for being there (they don’t have real “police powers” of arrest and referral for prosecution - some public school campus

Honest services fraud and gift rules used to be the way to handle crap like this. But since the Skilling decision limited the former to “bribes and kickbacks” and the gift rules are are about public officials getting things for consideration of their position, the flimsy front that these were “consulting fees” to

Problematic to do it as a 3rd party without registering as a lobbyist (depending on nature of services and contacts). As The Noble Renard points out though, just shoveling money at an office holder for no good fucking reason is generally okay. Fucking Roberts and the craven 4 basically have made anything but the most

By all accounts, he’s fine when sober and with strangers. He’s an upright upstanding member of the community - except to the people who get close enough that he then feels are obligated to accept who he is. Which when he’s drunk is a fucking abusive asshole.

Not only that, but if a PhD (candidate or granted) does apply for a lot of those jobs (and they will - the academic job market sucks right now, so you will see folks who can’t get post-docs try for just about anything) they get bounced at the interview stage because the people in the rest of the hiring chain freak out

Isn’t this basically what the GOP has been screaming for years is wrong about modern liberalism - mutual respect, compassion and self-esteem? Isn’t that the basis for everything the GOP loathes and fears including affirmative action/diversity requirements, feminism, LGBTQ activism and acceptance, religious pluralism