
I was surprised Kitty chose such a lifeless version of Beethoven 6. Would have thought she'd prefer a more pacey tempo.

Thank you! That's exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for. Will try these and see how I go. Normally I either watch a programme (every episode, in order, from the start, no matter if everyone else is now on Season 6) or I don't. But will attempt a middle way…

Haven't been watching this show. Saw the first 3 or so eps when it started, didn't like it much. But lots of people who stuck with it say it got a lot better later on. Thinking of giving it another try. But at what point should I jump in?

It's certainly very uncommon - I've never come across the combination in my own (fairly extensive) experience in this area or any cases I've read of. However, if you have experience which suggests these traits can coexist, fair enough! Always interested in atypical cases :-)

A person can certainly have an AS diagnosis while only exhibiting some of the traits, but I'm talking about certain specific traits which are pretty much the direct opposite end of the spectrum from autistic traits. Psycho/sociopathic/narcissistic stuff like extreme manipulation of others' behaviour and emotions,

Ah, thank you!

*Ms* Hudson

We haven't seen an Elementary version of Mary Morstan yet, have we? (I have no memory)

Me too. Best thing since IMO is Orphan Black.

But that's not what asexual means.
Plenty of ace people are not actively interested in sex, but sometimes engage in it nevertheless (for various negative or positive reasons) - the same way a person might do any other activity that they don't actively desire for its own end but serves a purpose. Of course, there is a

Turning down consensual sex and thus risking a major investigation, whilst faking lifetime emotional commitment? If there's a line, it's in a very strange and illogical place. I blame the writers…

Yes. A blithe lack of empathy for others' feelings, concerns and conventions is a very different kettle of fish from ethically uninhibited, remorse-free murder. It would and should be a massive deal, not an oo, will he get away with it? moment.

Think I'd rather do things *with* than *to* her.I mean, with her being an active participant.

Topical, innit.

Was wondering how far I'd have to scroll down for someone to mention Magnusson's shooting! I found the idea of Sherlock shooting him completely jarring (whether considering just this series or trad canon). It's not Curtain (Poirot's last case)… So headcanon is that he might have pulled the gun, but one of the police

He's a Vulcan?

From the way Mary was originally portrayed, she didn't seem the kind of person to give up her own name and take her spouse's (especially when Morstan is more interesting than Watson), so I thought that was a bit odd. However, being an ex-spy under an assumed identity, it wasn't her own name anyway.

I know I'm late and probably nobody will read this, but it winds me up. So.

A little loath to bring it up, as I've seen people being slammed on here for this kind of criticism, but my specific criticisms would be regarding the representation of non-white/male characters and non-het relationships. Which is particularly weird when it's set in London! Not Midsomer. On this aspect, Elementary

Thank you for elaborating! Most interesting. And I agree with a lot of it. When you have something that is such a massive hit, so quickly, there's a tendency for the makers to believe the sun shines out of their arses and they can do no wrong. Leads to lack of self-criticality (or anyone else's criticism for that