not well played. because instead of discussing what this means everyone is more focused on this who owns who crap. poorly played.
not well played. because instead of discussing what this means everyone is more focused on this who owns who crap. poorly played.
Goodbye popcap. We thank you for what you have given use and will mourn the loss.
i feel the same way.
pretty sure the best way to make sure most women dont cum is to attack their self confidence. what a freaken jerk.
i dont think there is any advice there. it's just an honest rant of someone's observations.
Yeah, if you can care about more than one thing at time then try to keep it to the important things in life, not trite non starters.
Domestic violence is a much larger issue than womens rights. It encompasses everyone.
Imagine getting into a fight with your brother and getting a felony...
I might understand if Dr Pepper was a bucket of fire... but since I have seen women eat buckets of fire (only a slight exaggeration) that understanding wouldnt go far.
You should see the movie "A boy and his dog". You keep your dog in the post-apocalypse.
I would eat human beings if they were served to me legally, but I will not eat a dog or a cat, even if they taste like cow or pig. It's arbitrary, but I'm ok with that.
Not necessarily. I think what it shows is that some people really dont understand abortion and the related issues very well, or that their values shift under some circumstances.
I would call this fiscally irresponsible and wasteful; and does not add value to any goal and only adds to the human suffering.
All rights are privileges; there is no god that issues them, and the universe does not issue them. Humans issue them, and they are subjective to the values at the time. The same for obligations.
What part of looking PAST ones personal stances do you not exactly understand?
dont confuse actual real cowboys with modern citizens with cowboy hats that call themselves cowboys...
I note your difference, see your point, yet still disagree with the concept of forcing someone to provide services for someone they find morally abhorrent.
Mantid, I seriously do not understand what women see in men to begin with! :)
See, that is what we call illogical reasoning. Just because a man cannot bare children does not mean he cant understand the subject. Hell; Most women I know dont understand the subject very well.
texas, cowboy hats... not a souther thing... um. what?