
which one of us will track this? :)

cognitive dissonance. Sigh. Your answer is of course reasonable and valid.

Since my post was moved:

Actually, this is on topic. The question is why would someone become a nun.


Yes, I have read much of the bible. I have also used various guides to 'cheat' and locate the good stuff, which i then read the surrounding chapter and verse. As a violent hater of the christ I feel that knowing ones enemy is important. I have read much more than the average follower of teh christ. Here and there I

$1 that this talk doesnt end within the next year.

sad face. It doesnt have 'clean and ready to use' stats. I would like something that was definitive and could be used as a "STFU racist asshole" card.

How is pointing out REALITY trolling?

And why? They WORSHIP A GOD THAT SAYS WOMEN ARE PROPERTY OF MEN AND THAT SLAVES SHOULD BE OBEDIENT TO THEIR MASTERS. What reaction do you think most of them would have is asked this question?

I'll put $1 on it. You believe the christian riech uses logic/reason to come to its delusions?

this is not meant to be adversarial. its more of a request so that i can use the link elsewhere. Has anyone verified the stats in that url?

I swear I will be throwing out shit this weekend just after seeing this.

Progressive, yet still worship a woman hating god...

But you are respecting people who have devoted their lives to a god who says "if a man rapes a woman the man must pay the father 30 silver and marry her".

Pretty much.

Why would anyone believe in an imaginary being in the sky to begin with.

What are the criteria required to merit protections and rights?

Actually, contrary to popular belief, it does. The person thought they were being funny... when something is expected it diminishes its impact.

I would accept that answer, if it was funny. Its not. Tire meme is tired.