
Ok. You are super offended? Ok, I want you to look around you honestly, and evaluate the situation. I know not everyone with a southern accent is a deplorable person, but the guy they just put to death in texas for taking a black man for a drag? The practice of lynching. The orgins of the klan? Voting records when it

Again, troll is what people with no counter or argument start calling people. Either attack the ideas or be labeled someone who just screams troll and offers up nothing to the discussion.

Lets say one has a collection of beliefs that says 'the goal in life is to be happy, and to promote happiness in sentient beings.' It goes to reason that anything that detracts from such would be wrong based on what is valued.

Um, go back and read my original comment. I feel you are not engaging in this honestly.

"Yeah but what if your religious ideology trumps your oath. This is why religion has no business in government, social policy or science. ..."

Hospitals are; Humans are not. As a human being I have no problem letting a nazi bleed to death where he sits, and feel I have no obligation to forces i feel detract for humanity. I should be able to recuse myself and allow someone else to take the matter. Life imo is not precious; There is plenty of it abound and

If the oath conflics with your morality then you should not take the oath to begin with imo.

Ignorant? No. Ignorance just another way to say 'unknowing'. In my personal experience, and from documentaries I have seen, and history, voting patterns, I have seen more than one person with a southern accent carry on in ways I find deplorable.

That creates a problem if you believe that the unborn are human beings, now doesnt it? While I may not define a human of value thusly, others may.

dumb chart is dumb. doesnt even define stereo types efficiently. no humor or truth. a bad graphic that should have been skipped over.

Yeah. Great way to act; since you arent respected dont show respect back. That is not how progress is made.

Way to misrepresent what is happening. Calling it the let women die act is dishonest intellectually.

Mature people understand that a person's make up is not a single event in their history.

Almost everything is derivative of something else. I'd bet its a mix of howard stern saying "I was molested as a child, by myself." and someone wanting to beat the shit out of someone's inner child.

I would be honored in your doing so!

Because they are classically creepy to some and amusing in child rape jokes to others.

This article reminds me of when law enforcement and idiots started to pursue virtual child porn in the same way they do actual child porn. I recall wanting to make a flash game where the adult me wanted to go back in time dressed as a clown and sexually violate the child me at various ages.

This peice seems to be written by someone who is WAY to PC for me.

While rape is part of american culture it is part of the criminal culture and not embraced by society. I have no allegiance to America and no blind love for our culture. All of us are one people.

good now can you stop reporting on this pos?