
anyone who sees sexuality as a moral threat should be hung.

No need in continuing this thread...

It's laughable as in the bad press you are talking about is not stopping anyopne from buying the game. there isnt even a call for a boycott.

"pregnancy brain?"... that is the thing that screams at the men in your life, right?

"On the other, telling middle school girls that they are sexualizing themselves to the point that it makes teachers uncomfortable makes the teachers themselves sound kind of creepy."

I find your pigeon holing on motivation rude in its destructive nature, and I find it bigoted due to its rejection of other motivators.

Heard a stat on NPR today... a woman dies of heart disease about once every minute, and that 85 percent of it is due to diet and smoking. So continue to support your anti-woman agenda by all means.

Voice of reason? Hardly.

"I know that if I call a woman a whore, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get smacked." This statement is untrue. Repeat unto thine self; all human beings are different, with different merits, flaws, motivations and sensibilities. Whether or not you are smacked depends on the individual, the circumstance, and the targets

You said you would meet words with violence. "If anyone ever presented me with one of these plates, I'd smash them over the head with it " If you think thats ok then your value set is much different than mine. My rights end where another's begins, and when I trespass against someone I forfeit an equal amount of my

"I often find that guys who claim that they're just "nice guys" aren't really nice guys, but vindictive assholes who equate "not being successful" with being a "nice guy." "

um. recheck your facts. the average gamer is now over 30...

Sweetz. you need to also get the hell out more and stop with your ridiculous and judgmental crap. What you said equates to "all black people steal". Your stereo typing is idiocy. I've know many programmers and gamers... and their verifiable sexual exploits pretty much debunk trash you were talking.

The person is an idiot.

Sorry, but you lost me at "whore isn't offensive." There's a non-offensive word for "whore." It's called "prostitute." Whore is a derogatory word for a prostitute, and a commonly used catch-all epithet aimed at women.

The gaming industry no longer struggles to be taken seriously. That idea is completely ridiculous like everything else you have been saying.

I named my hard drives Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor. A mind like yours would think, gee, anti-Semite. It was the holocaust that turned me into an atheist at 9 years old. Of all the followers judea-christian religions I find the jews the least offensive of all.

you are the kinda PC person who makes this world less livable for the rest of us.

in Australia they ban video games and enact laws that say pictures of women with small breasts are child porn.

the jerk would be the one who says nothing and lets you die surrounded by dingdongs like john candy.