
the person with no valid point of discussion calls troll. a rather popular meme these days.

sigh. stop reading into what they said that was not there.

hmm... the world does not world on shoulds. yes, a person should be able to be at the subway at 3am and be safe... but that's not how it is. The lack of understanding of that with people who scream victim-blamer boggles my mind. The author of the post seems to understand this, the readers might want to pick up on

Gwyneth's view is realistic and more people should consider adopting that view.


i started out cooking eggs over easy (we called them dunky eggs, cuz we dunked out toast in them). I started cooking pancakes without permission. I was using knives by the time i was in kindergartener. I read cook books, watched julia, and cooked with the family.

this is pretty much what i think of them when i hear them. i dont think about the kick ass times jamming out with ride the lightening... no. i think of a douche bag crying about bad records.

sing about evil... cry about cd sales when your new stuff blows... the metallica game we should have gotten would have played like the c64 demo of felix the cat, except with lar's eyes popping out of his head instead of the cats.

your friend should seek therapy for her mental illness.

you are right of course.

Yes, and this will get you tasered, beaten, jailed, maybe killed.

i do not begrudge her being pissed. i begrudge her losing her mind, causing a scene, and endangering her child. (being arrested while a child is in your care is child endangerment. any interaction with the government or law enforcement increases your chances of death).

which is fine... but they are old games...


ad hominen can only be called when the argument is not attacked. the argument was attacked, and then the logic behind it attacked.

there was no change of focus. period. the focus is size and weight. period. any claim otherwise i reject as false.

respect on halloween is not, and should never be, a concern. As a matter of fact I would say the more distasteful and disrespectful the better.

Yes, because assault is always the best option when someone has voiced a concern for your well being.

pretty much this blog and its frequenters embrace an idea that is unhealthy and deadly to society.

then you dont understand human beings at all. sometimes we are motivated by things that makes us feel good, but its mostly things we feel back about. We are also motivated by both readily.