
i think if our loving mothers smelled like dog shit we would love that smell too... mother is god on the lips of all children or something.

worst vision of hell ever. boring. lame. weak sauce.

but it would be diluted to the point where it is no longer effective. I am willing to bet that the vodka in actuality does nothing at all.

has life hacker considering introducing a 'lets put this to the test' segment?

I recall jheri curl 'juice' being on pretty much everything in jr high. Bus seats. Walls. Where ever one might find a head prone to hitting. It's was seriously gross. Someone's greasy hair juice... ON EVERYTHING. And it smelled bad. Some think like a mix of chemicals and BO.

I seem to like her because i haven found her to be full of shit.

Um. What she said makes sense. Sorry you cant see that clearly. The whole culture of black women's hair appears to be slavery to me. Lets put lots of chemicals in our hair to make it look more white and spend lots of money doing it, and then lets torment anyone who doesnt buy into that nonsense (and its nonsense) and

define better. What is it you want to do at the cmd prompt you cant? Without defining this all suggestions are worthless.

same here. I dont take myself that serious.

"Adversar constantly on the lookout for crows and raccoons to sneer at. " I missed this. It made me laugh. +1 interwebs.

i get that i am not king decider of anything. not sure how someone expressing their opinions is automatically some decider or even wants to be some decider on anything. deciding what others should or should not do seems like a thankless job where you are constantly n danger of screw up all of humanity. sorry, no

"Well, as long as you wanna dictate what everyone does, not just women, at least it is not a sexist thing, right?"

I am gonna check out Vagina Power on the youtube :)

"Clearly, there is bitterness at what your former girlfriends expected you to do with YOUR money seeping through." Your ability extrapolate the source of someones opinion is laughable. Saying it twice wont make it true, and only makes you look dumb trying to proscribe attribute to someone you have never met and do not

"Oh so that explains all the bitterness: you've dated golddiggers who didn't think you were rich enough to provide for them. No wonder you're angry now. " How is it you came to this rather wrong assumption? I assume it comes from just not liking what is said and going on the attack.

I am not bothered by those bothered by me stating my dislike of consumer whorism. I am also not bother that others are bothered that I point out demanding an expensive trinket in exchange for marriage is clearly being bought. I find both of those ideas sickening. Compare this to other social constructs we might find

1. there was no analogy. please re-read. there was a list of things people choose to do that we shame them for. Rape is not being compared to anything. I am perfectly fine shaming someone who would demand jewelry as a prerequisite for marriage, or who make foolish financial decisions. I was countering the silly notion

in this regard you appear to be what I would consider a reasonable person.

I am shaming the idea that an investment of 3 months salary when one of the leading causes of relationships ending is money seems pretty illogical and short cited.