
Sorry, ALL DIAMONDS ARE BLOOD DIAMONDS. Period. By taking part in the diamond market you are supporting the entire industry.

"And therein lies your problem: you see women as commodities. " this is an example of someone reaching and finding something absolutely not there. It was either said out of faulty reasoning or as an attack against ones character. Citation require that I think of any human being, or sentient creature, in terms of

I didnt claim WOMEN are like that. I claimed women who want rings are like that.

protip; not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

I didnt say gold digging, because i honestly do not think that is the psychology of most women who want rings.

Except seize doesnt. Never does seize actually put up a good counter point.

so, you want both of you to invest 3 months salary into a trinket. you dont want those resources available for you normal living and evolving situations?

reading the description of yourself you seem like just the kinda woman i fall for, your goals/mindset and confrontational attitude. Your tone is even what I would call reasonable (tho I am comparing it to the bat crazy people). Trying to connect all those dots to someone who still wants a ring... well I am unable to

I like shinny things too. I think ppl latched on to 'ooh something shiny' and didnt keep it in context. but that happens.

No one actually addressed this in any logical fashion as to explain to me how engagement/wedding rings are not a waste of resources.

weight trolling? Lay off the crack.

i am predisposed to liking violence. I've done a very good job at keeping that in check for 20ish years. But I would like to sock every single person involved in this moronic group right in the eye.

Um, scientific verification is important. christ.

engagement rings... i can think of almost nothing more sexist and marginalizing. what a way to say 'i am my own person i will not be owned' than to accept or even desire such a trite and moronic trinket; that most likely caused serious suffering to come to be. 3 months salary... you know, that could be used to educate

i feel this thread no longer interests me... i will give you the last word.

first; that song is not at all ironic.

No, I can safely ignore mindless bigots and their speech.

Wow, so you really think that committing the exact same crime allows you to look different than the idiots who commit it against you? Everything else you said I can also just dismiss as coming from the mind of a bigot who is trying to justify their hate.

Your response is laughable at best, and its denial of sexism would be as laughable if it wasnt site approved bigotry.

Wow. What a completely clueless thing to say.