
This is what we call a good reply to someones question.

After reading more of your posts... you should try less sarcasm and try to actually make actual points that ad value to a discussion. Sarcasm isnt witty, isnt a show of intelligence, and does not lend itself to being well understood. There are those that can use sarcasm to make points, but you are clearly not one of

i am calm, but thanks @Father-Time

Attacking someone's reading comprehension does not make your point any stronger, and in general makes you look like an ass. Your name calling below reinforces this. I asked a simple question based on what I read. you do not appear acknowledge that this indeed happens. Your mockery seems across he board; not limited to

I dont understand why it is legal at all for the universities to be involved deciding anything on criminal acts. This alone sounds extremely criminal. They have no business involved in rape cases. The courts should handle this, and then once courts have made a decision, then they can take action against someone found

If the shoe fits learn to wear it. The term is gender bashing sexist bigotry; while it might be milder than hitler, or stalin, and the klan, its cut from the same block of ignorance and hate. You cant take the moral high ground if you are committing the same crimes as your oppressors. Using this term makes you no

The word was invented to bash men. Dont kid youself. And I am all for bashing men, I do it all the time, but be honest when you use it; it's sexist, and its the same as using the n-word. If you dont get that then you are just either ignorant or delusional.

Are you denying it happens?

clue; unless they sign a consent form in the company of a witness, and you film the entire thing, you can be accused of rape for have consensual sex. How hard is it to get someone to sign a consent form?

No, what is absurd is that they are involved in the process at all. The school has a vest interest in burying this shit. They dont care about anyone but themselves. Why the fuck would anyone let them in charge of handling the rape of one of their students?

Cross examination IN A COURT OF LAW, yes. Inside some kangaroo university system? Frank universities should NOT be involved in this process at all. Only REALLY ACTUAL LAW ENFORCMENT and REAL ACTUAL COURTS.

so i decided to read anyways...

I have come to stop reading once I see the word "mansplanation". While I indeed get it, and joke and needle my own gender for its gender-centric stupidity and callousness, when used here it's used like a klanmens would use the n-word. Someone please point me to where jeze fesses up to its own gender-centric 'issues"

I want the writer of this piece to try to clean anything with coke and document it. Coke is NOT a good cleaner. Every time someone suggests it i have a tiny aneurysm.

i normally make fun of these pieces. I'm a network engineer, and I haven't seen a better manual for noobs. good job.

Sorry, I'v been coming here, and reply here, for years. And this is the first time I have heard this, and I frankly feel that is's laughable at best. Hey, lets talk about weigh issues but not actually give numbers? Um, way to not have a realistic conversation there.

And you couldnt look in the mirror and go, hmm... I'm not fat?

Or how about be an adult, and dont tattle to the teacher when your point of view isnt expressed by someone else.

Frankly it should not be moved. Have an honest discussion, with opposing points of view instead of trying to have a one sided conversation. Without honestly exploring the topic all that we will see is echoing of the same thoughts without anything helpful ever being arrived at.

this is old news... along it it turn men into idiots, turning women promiscuous, misc mental disorders. Hell, read the freaken wiki.