
Once you send someone an email, its not yours any longer. there is no expectation of privacy. those little legal disclaimers you see on some ppls emails? not legally enforceable and only serve to make the sender look like an idiot.

Saying bad things about one's ex to ones children is also not illegal.. so this point is moot anyways.

Have you ever been in a bad relationship that you couldnt get out of because there were children involved? Some people beat or murder people who do bad things to them... some vent anonymously.

heh... or a lot of ppl who believe in free speech...

And this is why the lawyers should be the first ones against the wall when the revolution comes.

Not really. Kids arent perfect, and he didnt name them by name. And watching your children turn into monsters because your ex doesnt have their shit together... idk...

We have all seen psychotic ex' of both genders. I am having a problem with the women here who arent seeing this for what it is; not about genders, but about irrational people one is forced to deal with.

what you said makes zero sense in relationship woth the 1st amendment and preventing the flow of ideas.

Ok, so, you folks wont goto the site why? equality... it means that both men and women are equally jerks. going there isnt going to turn you ppl into stone.

Only if found unture in a court of law, and only if names are named. I can talk about you all day, but if i never say who you are how does it libel you?

i dont think its very classy... but i think this is indeed a first amendment issue. And with no names named the Judges doesnt have a leg to stand on and is not upholding the laws of the land.

i love and hate these stories... i love when someone over comes this kinda shit... i hate that we are still not at the level where people dont have to over come this shit.

Let me add... again.. OAT MEAL IS NOT A GOOD EMERGENCY FOOD. Christ. I lacks the calories needed; and acts as a laxative in many people.

not a good idea for your zombie kit...

Afew unbalanced nut jobs not actual associated with what can be reasonably conceived of as a cult due to their insufficient numbers killed people, and were interested in satanism. yeah.

I disagree with your view point. The taoist sees that life 'just is", and that 'its sweet'. Vinegar is sour, and beer is bitter, yet we enjoy the tastes of them for these qualities. The smile is acknowledgement of such. The view that life is a setter of traps, or a teacher of lessons, or that the basic meaning of

Sorry, I learned this in Ultima 4.

Citation required that there was a satanic cult involved and that it wasnt just some mentally disturbed nut job crying satan after the fact.

So true. Remember the day care where the owners were accused of including kids in satanic masses and having sex with them?

Um... when was that? Hmm... the fuel shortages that lead to lines at the gas pump in the 70s? The threat of nuclear war every 10 seconds? Race riots? Meat shortages?