
I watched this when it first aired. I was a self declared satanist at the time, of the Anton Zandor LeVay variety. I still hold many of those values. Where back then I was enraged at the misrepresentation of reality, I am now amused at just how stupid people were, and are.

do your self a huge favor and ditch trashy tv.

I'm pretty liberal, to the point where my views on things like this could be considered sexist, but I have never, ever, understood the entire playboy bunny thing, or why anyone; male or female, would embrace it. It just seems... idk. completely fucken stupid? What is interesting about heff? Ok, sure, the early first

protip; men and women are different, and what is aesthetically pleasing on one might not be on the other.

You have two teachers making sour faces, and one smiling. Two believe the world is about suffer, setting traps and learning lessons, and one believes life just is, and it's pretty fucken sweet....

yes, but the tasters have different interpretations of it, dont they?

I am unsure exactly what this questions asks... :)

Taoism is the way to go... see the vinegar tasters as to why.

i have confidence and esteem issues. I'm pretty self loathing... The wind blows I'm hard. I reach the second coming pretty often.

I dont suffer this. If the women I am with thinks one of my friends is hot, or lavishes him with attention it does not effect my ability to get hard on nor does it effect my ego. I'm not wired for jealousy, and *I* love my friends and think they are cool, and I want you to think so also. Cheat on me? I dont really get

all comments on hipsters -10 internets. ignorable meme is ignorable.

Must be at least 2 game system generations from the current generation.

in a situation where one group is considered higher on the rungs than another, one would expect those on lower rungs to be combative towards those in higher stations. in american society women are still not seen or treated as equals. this relationship has men thinking they deserve sex and women going why am i sleeping

btw; that quote is really dumb. good people can be produced from bad, and bad from good. any belief out side of that does not reflect reality.

Turn back to the bible and read it. The guy is clearly acting in a way that is acceptable to god.

A survival kit will nto fit into an Altoids tin. these are cut little kits useful for almost nothing. you can put your first starting kit in on, or use them for misc parts, but your survvial kit is going to need to be a modest sized duffel bag. a leathermen, 2 pair vice grips, 1 pair needle nose vice grips, strong

"divides our loyalties as humans"... Sorry, no. Humans are filthy creatures...

to be fair i find this style as stupid as high heel shoes... hey, lets wear something that cripples our ability to walk.

prediction; he will pay child support or go to jail. the courts will never take this rape case seriously, and there will be no real way to determine truthfulness on either side.

this is one of the worst peices of advice too... its rather crushing when this kinda stuff comes up during a break up. it makes a lie out of so many moments...