
Targeting the word towards actual mentally disabled people is most certainly malicious. Calling a non disabled person a retard or not using the word in ear shot of the handicapped not so much.

I just want to add... that the facing actual death is not in the least an exaggeration and that I frankly find being chastised by the PC police over my use of the word retard to be extremely offensive. I find the whole anti-retard campaign to filled with people who dont actually take real action to help anyone.

I'm gonna give it a shot... but no. I dont use chrome. I'm a firefox person. plugins and such...

Sigh. I am not on board with this anti-R word nonsense.

She is severly mentally disabled, ignorant, and hateful. There is no nice and polite way to describe this total waste of flesh, or the ilk who support her. There is a time when we need to put the PC aside and not be nice to hate mongering POSs.

it's anti-choice. these people are not pro-life.

Here is an idea; when insane people talk dont report on it. Michele Bachmann is insane and fucken retarded. Stop treating people who are evil, and their thoughts, like they merit some serious rebuttle or discussion... Who are you talking to? You arent going to convert the followers of such madness. PLEASE, i BEG YOU,

any reason to go SumatraPDF -vs- foxit?

:) +1 internets for making me lol.

Yeah, I'm gonna call bulshit on that 'study'.

things that assault our sense of good taste are funny. Few ppl laugh at this because they think its totally ok to beat women. they laugh at it because its wrong and ridiculously over the top wrong.

biodegradable.. so are carrots. yet they have found carrots next to news papers from the 40s. if you are tossing it into a huge pit it doesnt matter. what does matter is if it releases poison into the environment that is not degradable. paint,

I used this. Its garbage. I suggest trying it to see if it works for you, but if you have 2 cats this is worthless.

Sounds awesome... and it was for a moment. "why are you over on your side of the house"... the kids would come over to escape too :)

I'm not much of a rosie fan... but this piq looks to have been chosen just to bash her. It's pretty unflattering. It's what news out lets do to hiliary clinton all the time; every piq they use makes her looks like a psychotic. one wouyld think those at jeze would understand these pix are used to diminish people. way

Same here. And I cant imagine no one coming to her defense in the modern world in queens new york. The world is pretty ugly tho. Who knows.

This is new? Funny, cuz this was me in the 80s, 90s, and 00's...

out side of netflix, your media center experience with the wii will blow. period. its cumbersome at best.

Those are attempts to discredit her; not shutting her up. Huge difference. She has been given every avenue to be heard.

What I honestly believe is that she is a human being; and thus should not be trusted. Was she raped? idk. What I do know is two human beings who's word I cannot trust have oppsing view points of what transpired.