
I'm from cleveland. What chan aired Speed Racer? Everything else you mentioned is pretty much my experience, but I do not recall ever seeing speed racer in cleveland.

Actually. it is. Anyone who denies that is blind to what it has done, and is doing for society.

I find philosophical view points are valid points of discrimination. Views that I find anti-human ascension I discriminate against, and I discriminate against those who hold them. Example, the philosophies of the Phelps family, the Nazis, the Klan, etc... I find these ideologies detract from society, and those who

I have to say I'm happily surprised. I hope this, and the words of others, will influence my opinions on red necks to some degree.

I'm aware of my bigotry, and the unfairness of it, and keep it in check and try to treat people based on the merit of their actions that I actually see or know of. My life's been pretty good, save the pity for those who have not Faired as well. We're all disconnected to some degree or another from the things we are

I go there because that is my personal prejudice against rednecks, and its the only 'valid' reason I can see to not like rednecks. Who cares if they eat cheese from a can, and dont have shoes. Those things in general dont say anything about someone actual character.

It makes you a kid who wanted a pool. The idea that an above ground pool is low class is asinine. There were several of these pools in the very middle class area where my grandmother lived in the 70s and 80s. They keep you cool, give the kids something to do besides tv/video games/bugging parents/getting into trouble,

How would you personally rate the level of racial and homophobic hatred held by those you grew up with?

What are their feelings about other races and homosexuals?

Here in ohio they passed anti-gay legistlation. Know where most of those votes game from? The sticks.

Use Ratchet Straps.

I justify it by looking at how people vote. I see a lot of votes against issues of tolerance and equality coming from redneck areas. When I stop seeing this trend I'll change my mind about them.

I believe they used to make some of that cheese in Clearfield Pennsylvania. I lived in the projects too and my mom would feed use the government cheese. Then we'd go see family in PA and one of my relatives worked in a cheese factory and bring the same cheese out. We loved it.

But is it really all about class?

I'm a white collar worker with blue collar roots. I struck my first weld at 8 in my grandfathers welding shop. I worked and hung around there most of my childhood and early adult life. I worked for other welding shops too. In my mid 20s I moved into IT. Computers had been a life long hobby starting with my vic20. I've

Yes, I understand that ethics are metaphysics. I've struggled thru some Kant :)

I'm a clevelander, we're supposed to dislike pittsburgh, but I've had nothing but good experiences with Pittsburghers, and The steelers have always been a far better team (i rarely care about sports at all). Pittsburgh is also a major city, and votes liberal. I worked for a company that has a pittsburgh office, and

In the 70's and 80's they werent considered trashy. They have been thought of as low class for a while now.

when i hear that accent i think a lot of things... and i admit it's a bit bigoted. Comes from hearing that accent say "boy, you best cut that hair." it stirs up images of torches running through the swamp screaming get that Ner, and get that long haired Ner lover. I'm distrustful of people with that accent, and shy