
This map has some issues. Zombies climbing the air annoys me to no end with bad maps. I see some of this on other original maps, but with this one its the worst.

Actually, no, they dont. an Eye for an eye is a call for justice, not vengeance. When you trespass against someone you forfeit an equal amount of your rights that is equal to your trespass. He did not take anyone's life, thus his life is not forfeit. Take a freaken ethics class or something, because calling for

That story, while short, rocks.

Heh, and here I thought it was just me.

or better yet, live with a disorder that makes them feel like they are on fire until they take their own lives...

All devo references get hearts.

when this story broke i recall no mention that this happened on several occasions... blows the mind. i was happy to read that it was one of her friends that told someone there was a video of the rapes being passed around. happy in that someone care enuf about her to say something even if the 11 year old girl wasnt

They have been trying to rewrite history for a long time... bunch of revisionist aholes who i'd love to see all get some kinda pain cancer in their private parts.

I find precedence to be an illogical factor when deciding cases. It allows bad rulings to continue. But it is a huge factor in how law works.

The core will not be cooked to sufficient levels to kill bacteria for those of us who like our steak rare. Luckily bacteria are inhibited by salt and stay only on the surface unless you leave it out for hours.

you know animal life is taken when grain is harvested. the harvesting machines batter mice, rabbits, insects, moles, and whatever else happen in their way. Bread is murder :)

You are also going to salt it... the salt will inhibit bacterial growth. cold/room temp is dependent on the thickness of the steak.

No, it wont. byt he time it reaches temp bacteria have not penetrated the meat at all. you have surface bacteria that are of no consequence, and if you salt your meat when you take it (which extracts water which will allow for better browning when done at least 20 minutes a head of time) the salt acts as an

for me it's 25 years of experience... thin steak you dont let come to temp, think steak you do. they seem to post this dumb and untested grilling crap every year to my annoyance.


FFS. If your steak is under an inch, do not bring it to room temp. If your steak is 2 inches, bring it to room temp. Bacteria? Please stop posting that every freaken year. It's garbage.

No, I cant remember it and dont know where my copy of Ken's Guide to the bible is atm. and google has been no help... grumble.

First things seen? Sure, but first things used to discriminate against someone? There is inconsistencies in reality on that subject that vary based on where you live.

could have been staged, but i've seen these kinda reactions irl from girls discovering things. I've seen the same level of enthusiasm from males, just not as often.

I didnt see much actual women hating, sorry.