
Yeah, they run. But poorly.

Cuz yer stuck in 1980?

no, actually they are disputing whether or not she was raped. there is question as to whether the sex was consensual and if this was a play for money.

No. That is not what is being said. It seems that this woman is not truthful and the facts are not adding up.

If she is lying about strauss raping her i hope she DIAF.

How does having consensual sex with someone, if that is the case, make someone a scum bag?

actually, lots of people are saying that now. it appears she may have had sex with him for the reason of accusing him to extract money from him. tapes of conversations she made to a prison where to her boy friend have been translated and look very bad.

there is zero legal precedence for limiting violence in speech for adults or children. his writers ignored law completely.

it's 2011 buddy; most parents are gamer, they arent oblvious to whats out there. and those concerned about what their kids consume are very aware of whats there.

Jesus cursed a fig that had no fruit for him and said it shall never again have fruit for anyone; this is exactly what jesus would do. He was a jerk.

and women... And slaves... jesus tells slaves to be obedient, and says its ok for slaver owners to beat their property... Peter basically says that women have nothing of value to say.

Let's be very clear; the church has a firm anti homosexual agenda, along with other hate filled agendas. they say love one another while using line and verse to bash women, homosexuals (in the bible only male homosexuals are hate; god gives someone a gift of 2 lesbians!!!), normal people who engage in normal sexual

Um, no means no?

SCOTUS made the correct verdict here, period. Video games should be treated like all other speech.

Wow. Lets make fun of a mother having a hard time emotionally dealing with being a mother... and then not see how this marginalizes the suffering of pretty much every mother. Really?

The 1st amendment... so important it was the 1st on the list. I've not seen too many successful attacks on it as of late, and this pleases me.

I only wish bitchiness was as enjoyable as hops.

Some women have embraced the word bitch. In an environment where womens rights to choose their own destiny is under attack (and where battles have been lost), where they are paid less for more work, and treated like second class citizens it's pretty acceptable to be a raging bitch from time to time, heh, or all the

i blame religion for this stuff... and sexism... and mean spirited assholishness. anyone involved in these kinds of things i want to see get a neurological disease that makes them feel like they are in a 5 alarm fire consistently until they take their own lives to snuff it.