
Because others do, and her voice carries weight because of it. Asking that question is trollish at best.

So, would you be fine with someone in a position of power not speaking out about, say, slavery? If you are silence does nothing but support the causes of the enemy. Being silent on this issue is the same as endorsing discrimination.

Um, trying to get people to eat healthy is a good thing.

Wrong; she is an important women with a voice. She has an obligation to HUMANITY to do what she can to make the world a better place; as do we all. Her opinion, assuming its one that promotes the idea of equality, when voiced would have the effect of helping to promote the causes of equality. In war; and the fight for

I'm a Michelle Obama fan, but I feel you are either with us or you are the enemy. There are no neutral parties. I'm not gay, but I am in the camp that believes discrimination based sexual orientation is not at all acceptable, and that the government has no business in defining marriage or relationships. Her refusal to

actually, no. they shouldnt.

Yeah, if anything this ad is classist, tho that is only if you find something wrong with being a maid, or banging your maid.

Racial? Sure, it has obvious racial components, even tho I dont know what race a mango is. Racist? Where is the discrimination? I see none. This makes no statement of worth, makes no statement of animosity (I see nothing but amour here).

I'm not a Hilary Clinton fan. Her attack on video games/freedom of speech make me want her hit by a bus. But one of the things I find completely unfair to her is almost every picture of her the media decides to use is one where she looks like a psychopath. I am not sure why no one has used this same tactic to attack

no, i am just mocking you and you dont see it.

wow. i am certain that i can get you to respond to me for the rest of the day if i so wish.

which of these remarks would work best to dissuade you from continuing your babble?

Sigh, now what you are doing is called reaching. Please, continue to expose yourself as a fool to anyone bored enough to still be reading this fork in the thread.

really dude. switch prescriptions. you will feel much better.

What is this game, the need for you to have the last word? I assure you, nothing someone like you could say would ever hit closed to home.

I'm shocked that your mental facilities allow you to understand the concepts of rhetoric. Now, really, take your hurt feelings and go have a good cry. Ignore this thread, it doesnt serve your mental state well.

Yeah, get mad at the guy who told you to google the answers to your questions before you post on a forum with bone headed questions. Your kicking and screaming is amusing.

The days of needing a brick and mortar store to sell ones wares is over tho. If you have a 'game that goes to far' all you need to do is find a host that will stand by you. the issue becomes more of how does one find funding for works that 'go to far' to produce them to begin with.

i've avoided death, not avoided learning. There is a reason I'm able to play with fire in and out of doors without killing myself :)

Nice, the guy who doesnt understand the subject matter again turns to childish insults because of his personal failings in understanding the subject. You are the typical person who doesnt understand a subject and then gets at others about it. you should consider using google before asking dumb questions or jumping to