
Google before you respond.

It's up to the parents to decide that, not the state. We want to decide for ourselves and not have the government tell us what to do.

Nothing legally, which is why this is a win.

Goatse and lemonparty are normal rights of passage. Offensive? Yes. Do we want the government involved in regulating them? No.

there is a nimrod somehwere here, from england, that needs to eat some cake over this. i told him that this law would be struck down.

This mentality is why there are so many linux machines part of botnets now. Lazy retarded people who think that linux is safe secure and needs no care and feeding.

Yeah. I've found that i cannot lot windows update update my video driver because it kills my HDMI sound. I have to use the drivers from XFX.

If you think MSE is a pig then you need to by a new machine or investigate issues with your machine. It's known for low over head. I can do a complete system scan, on external usb drives, and not notice anything. THe problem is not MSE, its

Yes, rape is natural. What else would it be? MAN IS JUST ANOTHER ANIMAL, sometimes better, MORE OFTEN WORSE, than those that walk on all fours, and who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all! Is war natural? Is assault natural? We see it in other

problem of course is that it's hard to read ones computer screen in the sun... making the over all experience anything but zen.

So is every other single human being. Dont like the klan and nazis? You're a bigot. Dont like religions full of people who believe its ok to treat women like shit, or that detract from the ascension of humanity? You're a bigot. I'm a bigot. There are ideas that if someone proclaims they believe are valid I

I find her funny, In general those who dont have sticks in their bums and sand elsewhere.

I disagree with you. Mental attacks can be as painful, or more so, than physical attacks and can linger much longer. Heh, some mental attacks will cause the body to react with the physical sensation of pain. While I do not suffer this particular weakness, I've seen it in others.

I have faith there is some validity to that... its just very very frustrating to see or to deal with. I recall being very wtf and pissed that one of my ex's was putting up with being smacked around but left me because i said 'we have to create a budget.'

I've seen women provoke men, and I mean seriously provoke them... but it doesnt matter what a woman does to provoke you verbally walk away. If she hits you? Walk away. If she comes at you with a knife? Run away. cant run away fast enuf? Disarm her using the least amount of force possible. "Your rights end where

Yeah, howard had warned her on the air that Jack seemed shady. Howard always treated jack like he was a slime ball. I think on one show he even offered to protect her and have jack leave. May Gordan survive a fiew with third degree burns.

And everybody moved away from me there on the bench, until I said and creating a nuisance.

Freedom to choose ones own destiny unaccosted IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD. The freedom to do things that are potentially harmful to ourselves must be maintained, else we wont be driving cars, climbing mountains, swimming, eating candy cars, walk down the steet, and just getting through the basics in life.

i think one needs to understand how the drug they are taking is stored in their system. thc is stored in fat. it will exist in a thin persons system for a short period of time than someone with some fat available. other drugs work differently. might be comments on said at erowid.

please give citation of possible avenues of liability.