
yes, because you and the government have the right to tell someone what they can do with their body. Way to understand personal freedom.

You'd see less death if drugs werent controled by violent people and were sold by the state, like americans most popular drug alcohol. Nothing in this peice is insane. Normal ration productive human being do drugs. Its part of life. Just because the government and a bunch of nitwits have made war on personal freedom

Not helpful for those who do drugs and want to pass drug tests, and bigoted to boot.

Dont do them because a bunch of idiots say not to and will punish you for it and ruin you life more than actual drugs would? The drug war was spawned by racists and a tool to persecute people for no good reason.

And actual gamers. I have a personality like a draino enema. I upset people with my vulgarity on a regular basis with glee. I embrace the politically incorrect and whip my ass with their faces.

There are several Jezies I could see doing this same thing. They do it in the forums all the time. This 'you dont know me i am educated dont tell me' bs.

Um, was there ever any question?

people with sticks in their asses confuse being educated with the way one chooses to use language. These seem people will often dismiss valid points in an arguement because they are 'profanity' laced. These are tactics of the dishonest who argue not to explore truth but to convince people of ideas they have already

Education and consideration for the sensistivites of others over language are completely different thing things. Profanity can properly carry many an idea. Pick up the book "Expletive Deleted: A Good Look at Bad Language" at your local library. for a better understanding of the subject.

That is a very shallow view that does not reflect reality, and the stance of what I would consider a language bigot.

"I know exactly how offensive the word cunt is, especially to a woman; that's why I used it."

I hate sports and love to cuddle. Atheists learn early on not to bother with conforming to social norms or peer pressure. Once you've rejected one of the primary ideas that society believes and worships its pretty easy to reject minor things. Back when "Real men dont eat quiche" was popular my first response was "Real

Who sounds like a serial killer?

I'm 41. I've had roughly 50 partners. I'd estimate that only 1/4 of the women I've been with have had sex drives that match mine.And they would get cranky if more than afe days went by without. In the study you mention look to see if it mentions how many times a day a woman is sexually aroused. I get a raging hard

I've known some incredibly horny women, but they arent the norm. One extremely horny woman I know has a daughter who began masturbating before kindergarten and it took some doing to get her to understand that was something she shouldnt do in public. Genetic or environmental? I'm gonna assume both, at different

which is why i said i believe. i have no qualifying evidence and since i'm not a woman, and have never been trapped in a womans body, i have no idea.

While social programming is part of it, I believe that men in general are hornier biologically than men.

I have often wished that my mind was not as focused on sex as it is. I've done some things that were not in my best interests in that area and it's often been a distraction to the detriment of my goals. I'm wired to believe that power is in choice, so the idea rape is counter to what would satisfy my ego. I've often

If this works it will be one of the most useful to me tips I've even found here.

Um. You can get a good hammock for $20... and, well, duct tape is just stupid. It's the worst tape. Gorilla tape. It's everything ppl tell you duct tape is, but it actually is.