
i will never understand this... dark skinned black women are as beautiful any other group.

Yes, that's it, reinforce the stance that you are oppressed by marginalizing anyone else's oppression.

Was engendered... the meaning and usage is changing.

I find it ok when the target deserves such, yes. I'll go further to say that using it against men of a particular character is ok too. There are some ppl so vile that there is no limit to the amount of malice they need piled onto them.

Look, I hate the word slut. A derogatory word for a women who likes sex as much as a man? Really? It doesnt even make sense to me at all. If slut means a woman who likes to have sex, why the fuck would we use it in a bad way? Sorry, never, ever understood that mindset at all. Men like to have sex... so exactly where

I hate that woman. Wish she would get hit by a bus. She's on the very short list of women its ok to call a slut. Why? Because she attacks normal sexuality and calls normal women sluts while pretending she's a pillar of morality. I dont agree with sentiments of the word slut at all, but the venom it offers when

I'm against calling women sluts... but if he said talk slut there is a HUGE difference.

please. i beg you. for all of humanity. let this woman die in obscurity by not reporting on her at all.

Here is the important thing to know: trichinosis hasnt been found in pork in the USA for a very very very long time. You can eat the pork RAW and have no fears of trichinosis.

I have been eating undercooked pork for 20 years now. I have had to explain a billion times that trichinosis hasnt been in pork for a very long time, and that ppl should actually worry about the game animals they eat instead.

and i wish ppl would stop reporting on her as if she were. th beast is dying. the only news i want to see about her would be a piece on the rotten dailies.

"illegitimate child" is pretty much one of the most assholish terms one can use when describing a child. The term should be banished from polite society.

I cant imagine being in a state of mind that says its not a good idea to just bite the guys dick off when someone is forcing you to preform oral sex

I have a formula for justice. My rights end where another being, and when you trespass against someones rights you forfiet an equal amount of your own rights. Rape/assualt, murder... what ever sentence is a fair reclaiming of the rights while sober is fair when you are on drugs.

I cant recall the last time I saw mexican brick weed. The quality of it I recall as being crap. Domestic and canadian weed is just better all around.

Who cares who the fuck you want to target violence at? Dealers and those in the supply chain are people too.

Ok, so you just want to kill people supplying a product people want. You are still an evil POS. It's called freedom; and sometimes freedom is hard on those who's decision are poorly made or fall into bad circumstance. Executing dealers and movers is little different.

it sounded like going for not making a valid point to me.

Have you ever heard a bunch of pot heads argue if .99999~ is 1? Or emergent phenomenons? Trust me, making pot legal wont make pot smokes run out of things to talk about.