
There is never much great thinking going on with the anti-drug crowd. these people have been brainwashed into thinking the world would become a world of lotus eaters and that all drug users are pieces of shit who dont deserve basic human rights. it's hard to have any rational discussion with this particular type of

Ok, replace pot with booze... What you are completely failing to comprehend is there is a time and a place to do thing. Being high when doing dangerous tasks? Stupid, and in many cases should be illegal, the same way it is for being intoxicated via alcohol.

Live out side of your own experience; weed is a pain killer to some. Your personal experience does not make it true for everyone.

Exactly what did he say that was not to bright? He gave accurate instructions on how to obtain pot legally. He doesnt have to fake an injury, all he has to do is say 'gee doc, I am stressed and need something to mellow me out once in a while".. You should worry less about waht other ppl are smoking and seek some

Um, DEA agents are NOT pursuing justice. Justice would be leaving people alone to choose their own destinies. DEA agents are nothing more and agents against freedom; they are villains.

Remove the demand and they will go away, like the gangsters in during prohibition.

Please, take this backwards moronic anti freedom garbage back to the 80s where it belongs.

Actually, this appears to not be true. I read something some time ago about an animal and drug use study. Animals, in the wild, par take in mind altering substances. The drug related archtypes appear to have close to the same percentages as humans. Some dont use, some use occasionally, some often, some even more

Have you been in a cave? Most money is NOT backed by anything tangible.

There is a HUGE difference there. Laws against murder are based on one person taking the rights of another away. Drug laws just take the rights of individuals to choose their won destinies away. One is meant to protect freedom, the other is meant to restrict freedom.

I've always liked Patty Davis since the days when she would hit the stern show here and there. Pretty cool woman.

You would be surprised how many linux users dont understand how to lock down anything. Many of them think, i have linux! I'm safe from everything! Updates? How needs those! secure out of the box! Many ubuntu users are like this. Install and go, with no thought about security. You cant tell them anything either, they

First off, this guy should just be put to sleep for being such a hate filled dickhead.

I believe that those who attempt to introduce such laws should be publically drawn and quartered with no explanation.

Um, not sure what world you grew up in, but NWA is pretty much standard fair. White kids from all backgrounds bought and lsitened to NWA taps and cds. If people look at you funny because you like NWA step away from them, and maybe even consider shutting them out of your life completely, because they are not of this

I just listened to that for the first time moments ago... and I have to say... wow... it was just really really really awful. First, it's a rap, it isnt meant to be sung. No one should be singing straight out of compton. it's rapped or recited with rhythm. Second... that voice... sorry, it just doesnt fit at all.

Wow. I really hated this. I went into it going, wow, this is gonna be coo, and was seriously let down. Could be one of the worst things I have been exposed to this year.

that is awesome sauce.

what about a piece on how to ensure you get, and continue to get, the most speed out of your ssd drive.

i want to argue... but white men in power are constantly screwing me.