
Or because it's effective. The wii netflix interface is pretty awesome. I have a 55 inch tv, with my pc and my wii connected to it. The wii mote, the interface, the small footprint under my fv (the pc is in another room, 25 foot hdmi cable...) The wii is a pretty cheap solution, and you can play games on it. The lack

Shameful too, reading your other comments you look like you could have a good conversation about this.

I see my point wooshed over your head then.

your comment has no value and detracts from actual discussion or exploration of the topic. your comment also is akin to, stfu before i hit you.


Yeah, the nice person thing... It's pretty dumb. The evidence says that nice people still commit crimes that arent nice. Nice people rape people.

While I dont think it's impossible, It is something very hard to imagine. No weapons. No signs of a struggle on the victim or the perpetrator. At what point does the woman not just go, ok, and bit the guys junk off?

I refuse to read what he said... I fucken hate that low life asshat.

Sorry, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt, victim or perpetrator, can not at this time be based on any sound reasoning, and can only be based on emotions and personal bias. Which is it tho, do you feel you are being fair in your judgement or not? Seems to me you arent being fair.

Um, reality; being lynched while being innocent happened/s across all labels and is a horrific thing. He's not trolling, he isnt trying to be racially insensitive, or any of that. Taking issue with his use of the word lynching is rather narrow minded, and seems to be guided by focus on race. Did you get the gist of

idk... how do you force a woman to give you oral sex with no weapons? She cant just bite his...??? I mean, it's possible I suppose... but I just cant actually understand how. Ask your self... what would you do in that situation? Or try to put yourself in any mental state that says you cant defend yourself against a

Exactly. It seems like a bunch of poostabbers just want toruin someone else's happiness.

I am not sure if you are aware of this, but most sex is not about having children.

I think its more disturbing that so many people are ok with the government telling consenting adults they cant have sex.

I am of the opinion that whatever consenting adults want to do let them do as long as they do not involve any others who do not wish to be involved. It's my stance with pretty much everything. I dont care if it's icky. I dont care if its gross. I dont even care if it will lead to beinf mamed or killed. It's their

Same here. Almost all my business and work related IM contacts are AIM, and have been for a logn long time. I doubt that facebook is ever going to change that because there are just some people you need to IM but dont want on your face book.

Hmmm.... On what planet is this? My aim list is still filled with ppl... Mostly with work related contacts, but still a fair number of personal contacts.

One of the more dirty tactics used against hiliary clinton in the media is the use of some of the worst pictures of her. Lots of mid sentence, wide eyed, crazy looking pictures. I dont like hiliary because of he lack of understand of the first amendment and how it relates to video games, but I find the picture thing

Where is Tiamat when you need her.

hackers was one of the worst movies ever. It's pure cheese.