
I'd butch of if I were you, as there is much worse in the species than this. This is trite by comparison.

Yeah, bill was constantly mocked for his love of burgers and crappy food, and for good reason. He could have done a show on the food network where he travels from city to city eating at various spots. The guy loved to eat, and you could see him gaining weight. Was pretty funny.

I like the job she is doing; but in general I dislike her. The moronic anti-video game legislation she was involved in makes her an enemy of free speech, and someone who wasted time and resources on an issue they had no business in while very real and pressing issues were at hand. Hard to tell if she has grown as a

Reasonable arguments, imo, would have to do with giving definition to what life worthy of rights and protections, and rationalizations for said. This is generally an area where no reasonable discussion takes place, and its mostly filled with dishonesty and a lot of yelling over eachother. The money issue is what I

Meh. In matters of morality, money should never be an object. While I disagree with the republicans moronic idea that cutting funds to plan parenthood is a good idea, I also reject the above joke as have any relevance at all to the subject. It would be snarky and clever, if this was afew years ago. Now its a play off

best new hack i have seen in a while.

I always thought i was small. It's 6.5 measured from the top. But I am a grower, not a shower, so flaccid i look hung like a flea. It's like a little baby penis. My ego, and need for it to be satisfied, has never really made me give a rat ass about it tho, outside of joking about it.

+1 for making me laugh at my typo.

yeah. that is me. if i am not driving fast, and sitting in traffic, i get stressed.

When you are driving in the country, on the open road, you can speed all you want and not feel rushed at all.

Warned for what? Stating the truth about much of what one will really find in the sticks? Back watered racists and such?

Yeah, that's it. belittle someone else's experience and feelings... Had a man made the same comment the furries would have been on him.

Because people are unempathetic self centered jerks who cant live outside their own experience?

+2 internets for you funny girl :)

I think we call that being complacent with boredom... and you find that in the city too.

When I think Rural I think uneducated bigots who send their kids off to jesus camp. Flag waving, teeth missing, hanging rope under their beat up pick up truck having, red neck jerks. Yeah, sorry, I'll pass. This stereo type exists for a reason; its pretty much mostly true.

So, my post, which DID NOT BREAK ANY COMMUNITY POLICY AT ALL, was moved to devnull...

Join the club. I was talking about this exact thing back in 1992. Might be the reason I get a smart phone.

4 wives... i suppose this works for a tyrant with no empathy and with women who believe its gods will they be submissive to men... but when one thinks of women as being on equal footing with men, with their own thoughts and destiny... 4 wives? only thing i see there is conflict and misery. and that would go for a

pretty please stop reporting anything palin says. k, thx.