
The comparison on all fronts fits.

you sir/madam, are a bastard! :)

Jacques Chirac's comments about bush wanting his help in a holy war is documented pretty well. Anyone who thinks the bush reich made america safer is a monkey.

What is your security clearance, citizen?

Obedience to law is freedom.

I for one welcome our ape masters. Let's blow it all up and give them their beginnings.

Well, thanks for proving the point. bush lead the US into nothing but retardation.

because liberals are different from other humans in following their leaders into stupid? When making jokes they are funnier when hey are closer to the truth. Liberal and conservatives have followed themselves into a hell of of lot of stupid these last 10 years... Your comment seems to be very follow the leader.

Pretty sure sociopath-political religious philosophies do not come into play. Humans, as a whole, are lemmings who will follow their slave masters off cliffs.

And we are sure they didnt learn this from watching us?

Comparing apes to humans is insulting... for the apes.

call me a sexist, but I wont defend a man's right to be nude in public :) Plus, one has to admit, tits look nicer than a nut sack.

Showing your tits should not be a crime...

The entire list is pretty much garbage. It's the kinda old wives tale crap that people who dont know how things actually work spew. This is kinda the anti-life hacker list of crap to do with mouthwash.

While great for when the zombies attack, rubbing alcohol or peroxide will do a better job. Mouthwash contains a lower percentage of alcohol than rubbing alcohol and will be less effective.

ever have heads on blue Hawaiians prawns? swoon.

yes. it would be nice to see anonymous destroy this little shit. Would love to see his parents lose everything they have.

I think porn is the last of that kids worries. Who gives a rats ass if a 14 year old watches porn? The very very super duper important moral imperative here are the kids ethics, and this idiotic slut shaming of people who have done porn. Worried that a 14 year old can access porn? Seriously... The kid tried to extort

This is basically a result of the anti-pron mentality... and this is a form of 'slut shaming'. We've seen a certain segment of jeze condemn porn, and ts this mentality at work her results in this attitude of 'you did porn, you are not really a person, you are fired.' It's legalized and politically correct bigotry.

Back in the day many cracked game releases also came with trainers. Unlimited lives, unlimited health, etc... Depending on the game I'd enable the cheats. I sector edited my stats to finish ultima 2, enabled flying in ultima 9, l4d2.