
I am pretty sure that kurt had no issues with the green vag, and no smurf is going to complain about smurfette. I wonder if snork vag is yellow.

my head explodes that anything a douche bad like this was considered at all... wrong coloured vagina?

doubt it. its easier to leech the torrent. there have been healthy torrents of the original for a very very long time.

Maybe I am narrow minded... but I just assumed we men ignore expiration dates by default.

I also dont know if this is all about higher eduction and how it relates to earnings... Marrying down might also mean marrying someone who's just not as smart as you. That could be seriously annoying.

as far as men acting like children... I fear this is from them not being beaten enuf!

Delineation will enslave you. Seek naught to put people into separate groups. The bigger picture here is that those who's personal choices do not infringe upon others but that the surrounding society beats up on risk mental disease that may lead to self termination.

Agreed. +1 internets, +2 getting it.

I wonder if this is just a sample of a larger picture. Is the suicide rate amongst women, ethic groups, etc greater in areas where oppression and discrimination against those groups is prevalent as opposed to areas where acceptance is the norm?

I use a notebook as a mouse pad. It keeps the sliders clean of desk filth and allows for more accuracy than my desk surface which is not smooth.

that would make two of us.

No shit. If I had 6 arms I would just walk around punching everything that needed punched... then I would need a lot of beef after all that punching and would just rip steaks off cows and eat them with all six arms!

I have read the same thing. That venting actually makes people more explosive and angrier in general. A few news stories over the recent years have come out against anger management, and penn and teller i believe did an ep of bullshit about it.

I need a game where I can club gay baby fur seals using quartered maidens for teh christ while entrails of virgins floss dead babies from my teeth.

I had to go thru my history... Yes. You are the person whom I have discussed porn with before. No discussion between us on this subject will be a benefit.

You can blame others for it all day long... if you are petty you need to deal with that. "Society bred me this way!" gets no props from anyone.

Your source is moronic.... hmmm... we've talked about porn together, havent we...

I call bullshit. And please, dont even reply to me.

World of good, while highly pirated, was also heavily purchased, and often multiple times by the same person for different platforms, and then bought again to gift to others! It's low price point, and lack of DRM, and open source mannerisms gave ppl wood and we all wanted to throw money at it. Those same people also