
Um, sorrym reality, teenage moms have babies with downs. I know 2, thank you very much.

Who said piracy was 'ok'? What I said was it's not the same as stealing. And if you think it is then you are not grounded in reality, at all.

It's a corny kinda funny. Call it a guilty pleasure.

Rights are man made. So in reality you have no rights. :)

I'm certain that if you could COPY fuel for you Subaru you would.

Food and water arent basic human rights... so no.

Um, learn the differennce between piracy and theft. Google can help you. If you think they are the same thing you are wrong. Period, and should not even bother engaging in this conversation because you fail to understand basic principles of the discussion.

I disagree. Her words say to me 'i am willing to give up my, and you, freedom, for a sense of security'. I find that mindset a threat freedom. She seems to think it's ok for us to consent to unreasonable searches, radiation, sexual assault, all preformed by idiots she believes are trained and screened so they have to

No. You havent offended me. I am just obnoxious :)

Yeah, because old people buy them trying to relive their past. You said: "hevy Chase and Belushi were hilarious in their time." And thats just it. The material doesnt hold up. It was funny when I was 7 years old... but the world has changed sense then, and their style of comedy was not timeless. Sorry, but there was

Religion has provable links to homicide...

No, I am pretty sure that child molestation is illegal even if the parents consent for the child.

Can one consent to having their child sexually assaulted by buying a ticket?

What did th guy say? "DRM drives more people to pirate games rather than preventing them". He's talking about a single aspect of piracy. Anyone going off on tangents outside of that didnt understand what he said.

If you believe that you then you are a fool, and are not grounded in reality. Do you get out much?

First off, piracy is not stealing. Stealing denies someone of something. Copying does not deny someone the original. If you dont understand the difference let google help you.

That irritation turns would be paying customers into pirates.

The reality is that every single person on the planet can download cracked versions of almost every game for free. 10-20 years ago, when technology was not so mainstream, it might have prevented someone from obtaining a pirated copy of something, but today? Nope. So companies need to give paying customers what they

But then there are games you really want to play, and support, but the DRM is so invasive that you just find a cracked copy.

No, what we need to do is understand what actually was said and what was not said.