
You see a silver lining in the restriction of speech?

Um, no one got away with breaking the rules. The guy was fired for breaking medical privacy laws.

My friends are used to my links. Not everyone is so sensitive.

But what he said is the absolute truth, and it is who these ppl should have been dealt with. Sorry about your loss, but there is no legal standing for this and you should just stfu about it so it will go away. what they have done will have the opposite effect of what the desired,

And the internet, and the world. Their actions will now make this picture a commodity.

Poor girl? Um, she snorted a bunch of coke and then went driving... A poor girl is one who would have died thru no fault of her own, you know, the victims of ppl who drink and drive. I have little sympathy for someone who dies drinking/drugging and driving.

They also seem to be requesting names of anyone who might have downloaded the picture. they have this foolish notion that they can remove the picture form the internet. with no legal standing their actions are going to back fire in their faces and the picture will become iconic. their actions are very very misguided

Except that they assume much without any evidence of said.

It is always a good idea for most ppl who google these things in quotes with the word wiki next to them. This allows you to read about the subject without being assaulted.

The fact is they do not have a case to stand on. One can check all the legal letters on and come away with a good understanding of this. First, there is nothing at all illegal about the picture. They cant claim copy right or any of that nonsense. Second because the picture is in no way shape or form illegal

Your understanding of who consumes porn is very flawed. Porn is now mainstream. The basement dweller bs... yeah. stop. It's a kinda bigotry that shouldnt be socially acceptable.

Alimony... pretty sure that isnt what equality is about.

Experiences vary of course. Way back when I did experience memory leaks with FF I still had decided that it was the browser for me. I'm not even an anti IE guy.

Ditto. Not having access to NoScript and other plugins make chrome not an option.

i have left it running for days and not seen any memory leak. I open dozens of tabs at a time too. I can watch the memory usage go up and down as things are closed.


Um. The enzymes are already present in the grains, and in some cases they are added. Pick up the book "The Joy Of Home Brewing." There are various enzymes you can pick up at your local brew store.

No, but someone pissed off at the content might. After doing the digging they would end take it a step further and forward that information along. Psychos on the internet are abound.


And as I said to onestrawplz, agreed, they shouldnt have to, but we dont live in a world where shoulds rule. We live in a world where shouldnt rules. The realities of life atm are that sexism is alive and well. One can either walk away and let it continue or actively do something about it. Forget the idea of cant beat