
I am not sure I want to understand what you are saying.

Sometime trails are not blazed for the people blazing them but for those who come later. While quitting might have been the best immediate option for them its not the best option for society as a whole.

Agreed. They shouldnt have to. The problem is that the world does not run on shoulds. When everyone else is black balling you from the field, or all the firms are full of assholes, someone needs to step up to the plate and go, fine, we'll do it our selves, do it better, and tell ppl ppl to promptly go fuck themselves.

Heh. And why did they not band together and create their own firms?

unless we use different aliases attatched to different email addresses most of us can be hunted down by anyone with an inclination.

HFCS is as natural as beer. the process of converting starch into sugar is the same. Agave is also processed in a similar fashion i learned here. I do not consider calling HFCS sugar is misleading at all. Same chemical make up as honey, and is sugar. Calling HFCS anything but sugar is misinforming the public and puts


Everything you said is completely bogus. Refined sugar and natural sugar metabolize the same in the body. Different rations and types of sugar digest differently. The dangers of refined sugar stem from one place; over consumption. You might want to actually study sugars and not believe what a bunch of morons tell you.

I was unaware of Erythritol's existence. I dont know weather to thank or curse you for another dumb thing to research and learn about.

This is the same process used to make beer and such. Long chains of carbs are broken into sugars by enzymes. There is no health hazard in this process. The enzymes used occur naturally in grains. You can produce agave syrup by taking raw agave juice and barely and keeping it at 147 degrees and stepping it up to 152

Honey has the sugar makeup as HFCS btw. So if HFCS is bad for you then so is honey. (neither are when consumed in sane quantities)

One thing that should be pointed out is that sugar in all its forms are unhealthy when consumed in the quantities we see today. We see tangible and incontrovertible evidence of the health hazards. We dont have this evidence with artificial sweeteners. What we do have is the sugar industry creating organizations to

Less is required to achieve the same level of sweetness as normal table sugar. This lends it potential in curving over all sugar consumption.

Stevia is very interesting. It does weird beneficial things to the body. Check out the wiki.

Very good point.

No, he didnt miss anything and is on the money.

No. You didnt miss anything. People dont seem to actually understand sugar at all and say some really off base things.

Processing is NOT way HFCS is bad for you. Its bad for you BECAUSE ITS A SUGAR FOUND IN EVERYTHING.

Um. No. The problem is that it is SUGAR, and that we consume too much. Couple the sugar we eat with the carbs (which convert to sugar as they break down)... Sigh. As far as health goes, the sugars listed above are JUST AS BAD FOR YOU as table sugar. The entire problem is lack of moderation. It's not the refining, not

Let me state this clearly; THESE ALL ARE STILL SUGAR. They arent table sugar, which is either beet or cane, but they are ALL SUGAR. HFCS? ALSO SUGAR.